What does Type C mean then? Should I have used Type B or A then?
I think I need to know what a Type C one is!
B, C, and D have different time/current curves for tripping. Type B will trip faster than type C for a given overcurrent, and type C will be faster than type D...
As you have a TN-C-S supply, you might get away with type Cs on socket circuits, as the maximum allowable external component of the earth loop impedance (Ze) for that type of supply is 0.35 ohms. (And of course the DNOs strive ceaselessly to ensure that this limit is never breached.
Finally, my garage is about 50 metres away in cable length ( I will run a single radial
cable to the garage (armoured, 6mm^2 may be)) Is this OK? What would you recommend.
What load will it have to carry?
Well, thank you very much for all your answers and the links too!

That was very kind of you.
Regarding the load on my garage circuit, I expect to have 2 or 3 lights,
and use 1 or 2 power tools (e.g. drill say) so nothing excessive I would
say. So is 6mm^2 cable what I need or is 4mm^2 sufficient?
(I am mindful of the fact that I'll need to keep the impedance as low
as possible since I'll be using sockets on this radial circuit)
Finally, the big question really, will the Electricity Board most likely
PASS my installation when I call the man out to come and inspect
my house? (given the above discussion on my use of Type C circuit
breakers in my RCBOs)
How *strict*, as it were, are the testers/tests?
If you think it won't pass, what are the main things I should
concentrate on improving/altering?