To be honest, I suppose it doesn't take a great deal of effort to put different items in different bins.
We do that, but always find that the blue bin (paper - fortnightly) has little in it, the green bin (garden waste - weekly, and twice as big as the others) has little in it unless we've been gardening, the brown bin (tins and glass - monthly!) is usually full, and the black bin (everything else, and the smallest of them all - fortnightly) is crammed full.
I just think our council has got its priorities wrong. It's not just us either; all the black bins I see on collection day are similarly full to overflowing. Fortunately, they seem to be turning a blind eye to half-open lids - for the time being anyway.
And to cap it all, from news reports it appears that much of our collected refuse is still being put into landfill or sent to foreign parts for the same treatment.