My garage has been leaking for a number of years after some roofers put on a rubber membrane layer on the existing chip board and then refused to rectify the problem when it was pointed out it was leaking and walked off the job.
I've only now discovered where its leaking from, which appears to be where the rubber membrane goes horizontally up the roof and is screwed to the walls that rise up above the roof. I've attached a photo that shows the roof, it also pools water in the middle as the roofers didn't slope it towards the gutter.
I've attached a photo showing the membrane going up the wall forgive the black stripes, that was where I painted the wall with bitumen as I was told the wall might be porous and letting in water.
I've attached a few photos where I've removed the ceiling and you can see the water leaking in through the chipboard and wooden beams.
I'm trying to put a claim in on my house insurance to get the roof fixed but if it's refused is there a way to fix the roof short of getting a whole new roof?
I was thinking of maybe getting roofing felt and attaching it to the rubber membrane and then taking it over the edge of the wall and attaching it on the other side.
I've only now discovered where its leaking from, which appears to be where the rubber membrane goes horizontally up the roof and is screwed to the walls that rise up above the roof. I've attached a photo that shows the roof, it also pools water in the middle as the roofers didn't slope it towards the gutter.
I've attached a photo showing the membrane going up the wall forgive the black stripes, that was where I painted the wall with bitumen as I was told the wall might be porous and letting in water.
I've attached a few photos where I've removed the ceiling and you can see the water leaking in through the chipboard and wooden beams.
I'm trying to put a claim in on my house insurance to get the roof fixed but if it's refused is there a way to fix the roof short of getting a whole new roof?
I was thinking of maybe getting roofing felt and attaching it to the rubber membrane and then taking it over the edge of the wall and attaching it on the other side.