Hi, Plugged toaster in yesterday and after a brief period there was a flash and bang from socket. I had the Microwave running for a good few minutes prior to the with no issues. Tested the socket with a Socket Checker and got all clear. Kettle boiled ok. So I am presuming issue with toaster. Any pointers on how I can check the toaster please ! Could I use an RCD Adaptor for lawnmower to check ?
While you wrote "there was a flash and bang from socket",
was it from the "socket" or
from the "plug" inserted into it?
That "Toaster Plug" contains a fuse.
Did the fuse "blow" or is the Plug, Fuse and Toaster still operative?
Youre post (#7) concerning multimeter readings on the toaster is not clear.
The Line to Neutral Pin connections on the Plug of a working toaster should indicate a certain resistance.
For a 240 V supply: -
If the toaster is rated at 2000 W, this resistance should be about 29 Ohms.
If the toaster is rated at 1500 W, this resistance should be about 39 Ohms.
If the toaster is rated at 1000 W, this resistance should be about 58 Ohms.
(Lower than 29 Ohms
could indicate significant rubbish/detritus/crumbs, causing a partial short-circuit !)
There should be infinite (or
very high) resistance between the Line (and Neutral) to the Earth connection of the "Pins" of the plug
(Any low resistance on the Line to Earth path "Pins" indicates rubbish/detritus/crumbs, causing a partial short-circuit to Earth - which means that you should clean the interior of the toaster - when it is unplugged.)