Flights ground to a halt....

I don't think that forcing the entire country to suffer so that his irrational and ignorant desires can be indulged has any redeeming features.

Would you look for redeeming points in the fact that the majority of leave voters in NI are honest when they say that they would be willing to see terrorism return to the streets of their towns if that was an outcome of leaving?

Understand your point.

I just like the honesty that he can't provide any supporting facts of any advantage from brexit.

Better than pretending there are some.

Personally I hold all brexiteers responsible. Will they stand up and take responsibility, or move the goalposts and shift the blame. If you voted for brexit, for any reason, you are responsible!
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I just like the honesty that he can't provide any supporting facts of any advantage from brexit.
Not really honesty, then, is it? Just imbecillic rambling.

Better than pretending there are some.
I don't think they are pretending; some believe what they are saying - on here that is; not the lying politicians.
Personally I hold all brexiteers responsible. Will they stand up and take responsibility, or move the goalposts and shift the blame. If you voted for brexit, for any reason, you are responsible!

Of course you do because that's the easy way isn't it.
Let me give you a clue about who it was who voted to leave:

It wasn't those who were not brexiteers...
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The depths of selfishness which that betokens is breathtaking.

I've encountered some truly disgusting people on this site before, but I think you're up there on the podium. To support the destruction of this country to satisfy your own pathetic urges when you admit that you neither understand nor care about the implications makes you a traitor.
Rofl...and your arrogance in thinking you an expert on every aspect of brexit is cretinous
I've never claimed to be an expert on it.

But then I'm not one of the ones who said that they wanted it no matter what the cost, and not knowing, or even caring what the cost might be.

I'm not one of those traitors so arrogant that I am prepared to see the country destroyed and people dying in order to gratify me.
I've never claimed to be an expert on it.

But then I'm not one of the ones who said that they wanted it no matter what the cost, and not knowing, or even caring what the cost might be.

I'm not one of those traitors so arrogant that I am prepared to see the country destroyed and people dying in order to gratify me.
You forgot to mention the sky falling in.
I don't think that's a possibility.

Have you proof that anybody opposed to leaving has claimed that that will, or even might happening?

Or is it a falsehood which you have invented to try and draw attention away from the fact that you have no idea what the costs might be, no interest in knowing, and no care whatsoever what they might be. Which if they include the failure of the peace process in NI, an outcome which 87% of NI leave voters and 75% of English Conservatives would be OK with, that cost will include terrorism returning to the streets of the UK, and therefore will include people dying.

All to satisfy you.
The UK govt,EU bosses,bank of England,blue chip co Ceo's etc cannot predict accurately the effects of Brexit;record employment,no tanking of economy,yet some frustated retired lead bashers on here discover the Fed Beige and preach precisely the full doom and gloom of brexit,before its even happened,,,well,forgive me dudes if i am more than a tad sceptical about your ideas.toodle pip.
record employment
Rather ironic coming from a quitter...

The reason we have 'record employment' is that the population has increased - something quitters like to blame on unfetered immigration!

Thus if we didn't have immigration (quitter nirvana) that claim could not be made...

Yet another example of quitters knowing f uck all !
forgive me dudes if i am more than a tad sceptical about your ideas.
87% of NI leave voters in Northern Ireland and 75% of English Conservatives would be willing to see the peace process collapse as long as Brexit is delivered.

Is that something you would also be willing to see, or is that another thing you don't know?

Do you really think that the men of violence have gone away? That they no longer have, or could reacquire, access to weapons and explosives? Or are those other things you don't know?

They are being kept in check, (just about) by the political process. If that goes then they will no longer be kettled.

Do you really think that if the political peace process collapses that nobody will start up the violence process again? Or is that another thing you don't know?

toodle pip.
Are you leaving? Never to return?
Prepare for the worst is my advice

I have ordered my Ray Mears survival manual

Also those who have not made a will ? I would advise you do so before March next year

Way I see we should all co-operate with one another if we all club together we could get a good deal on sheets of ply wood for boarding up our windows

Would suggest we use screws and not nails but hey ho I am open to suggestions on this ??
tranny and dum can't face reality so they retreat to the comfort of fantasy.
tranny and dum can't face reality so they retreat to the comfort of fantasy.

Fantasy are u having s laugh

At least I am posting up
Practicable advice as to what to do
After all we are faced with "Rabid" individuals . All you want to do is whinge and do nothing of consequence

Well me and my neighbour slippery are getting organised for this catastrophy
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