Like most insects, flies don't grow once they've come out of the maggot, though the abdomens fill up a bit. The big ones are blow flies or green/bluebottles. Smaller ones of the same general look, are house flies or maybe flesh flies if they're dark greyish (stripy).
House flies don't make much noise. Cluster flies (lighter, stripy) and the big ones do. Hairy ones are tachinids.
Apart from cluster flies (iirc), they all spead pathogens.
Storm flies are tiny, a mm or two long.
I read a bit on flies once, they're dead interesting if you find a body, to help with the timing. You get eggs then larva in several different stages/sizes called instars, then the pupa where the metamorphosis bit happens. You can work out things about the wounds on the original body even if it's all eaten away, by the number and location of larval cases. They like to eat different things, have temperature ranges, etc etc etc.