For those born before 1986 :)

well... sorreeeeee
but you need to explain this puttin the car into reverse thing??????????????? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I reckon can drive every bit as good as you... matching handling a car at speed round any given road and also I reckon I am as safe a driver as you can get...... :LOL:
Toffee, you wouldn't want to drive like me silly, I'm a gasman! I've crashed a motorbike 3 times & van 3 times. How about you, good as that?


Milk, no sugar ta.
Hi Ban. I'm honoured to hear from you! been looking at your replies to questions in the electrict bit! V.Imppressed. Dad still lives in Redhill I have lived in Dorset for the last 33 years. It now takes me 3 hours to get from Dorset to Redhill. When I first moved here in 1973 it took me 1 1/2 hours! :evil:
gas.. ( can I be so familiar?)
do you drive a white van or one of the modern white van driver silver vans?????
gasmarkone said:
C'mon gasgirl, go out to your car now, start it up & put it in reverse. There, now you don't feel so big. Go put the kettle on!!!! :D


Milk, no sugar ta [please!]

OMG we've got one who thinks he's funny :rolleyes:

OK then some women might not be able to reverse a car but then neither can some men! I was out shopping with my sis-in-law one day when we lived in Germany and I'd only passed my test a few weeks before.

We came across this guy standing looking at his BMW and scratching his head and looking generally panic striken. He was getting into a right state so I asked him in my very best Deutsch if he was OK. He explained that he couldn't reverse it out as someone had parked very close to him on one side and behind him.

Sis-in-law nudged me and said 'go on you can drive do it for him' then told him that I was a driver and I would reverse his car. He looked very grateful and I just gulped! Anyway, I got in this car (left hand drive as well) and reversed and manouevred it out for him. He was gobsmacked but also very grateful.

We giggled about it all the way home and I did admit that I was petrified the whole time in case I scratched or bumped the flipping thing LOL

So.............................. any more moans or mickey taking about womens reversing????

BTW I'm the woman who will be waiting behind some bloke who is taking 15 minutes to try and reverse into a space big enough for 3 double decker buses and still can't do it and yeah, I will be shouting at him about 'blardy male drivers' hahaha
Brightness said:
He explained that he couldn't reverse it out as someone had parked very close to him on one side and behind him.
Serves him right for being so daft in the first place. You should always reverse into spaces, and drive out forwards.
But then how was he supposed to load his boot up with a trolley load of shopping? :rolleyes: Silly boy..... :LOL:

Actually, that reminds me of someone I used to work with's hubby. He always reversed into parking spaces and then struggled to get the trolley near to the boot to load it up. OK fine, but he lectured me incessantly that I should do the same.

One day he did it and a gust of wind caught his trolley and sent it crashing straight into a brand spanking new car parked next to him :eek: :LOL:
gasmarkone... just thought i'd add the fact that i have NEVER crashed into or reversed into anyone... either in my van or my car ( cringe to think doing that) .. yet i have been involved in 4 bumps... i hasten to add that all 4 were MALE drivers who drove into me.

and when u drive the car i have.. u have to know how to drive and control at all times...:)
gasgirl said:
... i hasten to add that all 4 were MALE drivers who drove into me............

Hmmm, reminds me of an old Jasper Carrot sketch - this woman driver never had any accidents but witnessed thousands ;)