Culturally 52% would be economically inactive because they'd be raising children or being children, the main question would be how many of them are on benefits as a proportion compared to white people living in Basingstoke who are dealing drugs on the side ?
I'd say that they were "here" because one of them is running your newsagents and working longer hours and on holidays that a white person wouldn't do, or cleaning the offices or stacking shelves, not fleecing us, but in the majority contributing in taxes and man power.
I just moved from a densely populated Sri Lankan area, as a side note, a North West London hospital whose had a high death rate for mother's who were giving birth was sorted out by a Sri Lankan consultant who was over here on asylum because he'd worked administering first aid to everyone during the final victory over the Tamil Tigers, and though not a member, the climate in Sri Lanka made that a dangerous place to be. He was living in a one bedroom flat above the newsagents, sorting out the NHS mess. None of the consultants whose employment was terminated at the hospital was of foreign origin, or would you prefer white but incompetent doctors killing women in labour ?
Why are the Bangladeshi’s here ? Historically our foreign office didn't want a unified India and against Ghandi's wishes partitioned the country, shifting the more affluent Muslim populations to Pakistan and East Bengal. Respectively a desert bordered with aggressive Afghans and a flooded river mouth with little year around habitable environment though a large land mass (which then became Bangladesh). And we were vague about Kashmir promising both sides a chunk of one of the most fertile productive regions.
So "they" are here because "we" couldn't run an Empire and were bankrupt (the records show that the East India company was a massive loss maker even though it had so much at it's disposal like our army and civil service) but decided that we couldn't risk a more powerful former colony so we'd split them up and get them to bicker amongst themselves for the next 60 years so we could still get cheap goods. Strategically one of the civil service's finest hours, probably not morally though.
I'd say that they were "here" because one of them is running your newsagents and working longer hours and on holidays that a white person wouldn't do, or cleaning the offices or stacking shelves, not fleecing us, but in the majority contributing in taxes and man power.
I just moved from a densely populated Sri Lankan area, as a side note, a North West London hospital whose had a high death rate for mother's who were giving birth was sorted out by a Sri Lankan consultant who was over here on asylum because he'd worked administering first aid to everyone during the final victory over the Tamil Tigers, and though not a member, the climate in Sri Lanka made that a dangerous place to be. He was living in a one bedroom flat above the newsagents, sorting out the NHS mess. None of the consultants whose employment was terminated at the hospital was of foreign origin, or would you prefer white but incompetent doctors killing women in labour ?
Why are the Bangladeshi’s here ? Historically our foreign office didn't want a unified India and against Ghandi's wishes partitioned the country, shifting the more affluent Muslim populations to Pakistan and East Bengal. Respectively a desert bordered with aggressive Afghans and a flooded river mouth with little year around habitable environment though a large land mass (which then became Bangladesh). And we were vague about Kashmir promising both sides a chunk of one of the most fertile productive regions.
So "they" are here because "we" couldn't run an Empire and were bankrupt (the records show that the East India company was a massive loss maker even though it had so much at it's disposal like our army and civil service) but decided that we couldn't risk a more powerful former colony so we'd split them up and get them to bicker amongst themselves for the next 60 years so we could still get cheap goods. Strategically one of the civil service's finest hours, probably not morally though.