D & J
They spent ages on the Kingsway/M60 bridge strengthening it with rods from underneath a while back..
Yes, the A6. In H/Chapel on the A6 and on Broadstone Road they put white lines that forced traffic into the path of oncoming vehicles....
I'm told this has happened elsewhere in the country - anybody else seen it?
And the stupid little squirts of green paint that pass for cycle lanes....but not when they are only a few metres long! Don't worry, I'm not anti-cyclist. I used to do a lot of long-distance pedalling, and still have thought for them.
But for me, the biccy is taken by SMBC who repainted the zig-zag lines of many crossings in the borough because (get this!!)
They started in the wrong direction!!
ie instead of starting with a line going SW-NE in direction, it went SE-NW.
So they stripped off all the paint on 100's of crossings and started again! Is that or is that not bureaucracy gone f in mad?
I mean, the lines look the same essentially, just that the starting point is different.........