Foreign Aid

Unless you say we get different immigrants from these areas
oh so its mostly children coming over in small boats

I thought you said it was "adults of fighting age"

make your mind up
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oh so its mostly children coming over in small boats

I thought you said it was "adults of fighting age"

make your mind up
and he is triggered as per . it still stands its immigrants bringing over these diseases.

Vitamin D insufficiency was found in 40% of non-Western immigrants in the Netherlands, and in more than 80% of Turkish and Moroccan immigrants. The Middle East, despite high rates of sun-exposure, has the highest rates of rickets worldwide.
and thats the indigenous population my arse its the influx of disease ridden illegals
“Universal Credit pays 70% of the cost of meeting essentials. So If you’re on Universal Credit, if you’re on benefits, we guarantee you will get sick because we don’t give you enough money to eat healthily, to heat your home or meet the other essentials.”
He added: “At the very poor end of the distribution it’s worse to be poor in Britain than in most other European countries.

gas112 claims those diseases are due to "illegals"

note for gas112: illegals" cant claim universal credit

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and he is triggered as per . it still stands its immigrants bringing over these diseases

gas112 claims it is due to "illegal"

but victorian diseases such as ricketts affects children and infants

so which is it gas112

1)"illegals" are mostly children

2) ricketts is mostly affecting British children
gas112 claims it is due to "illegal"

but victorian diseases such as ricketts affects children and infants

so which is it gas112

1)"illegals" are mostly children

2) ricketts is mostly affecting British children
do a wee bit more googling and you will see its not just children do you think you grow out of rickets ?
The last 14 years of the Conservative party has seen a huge rise poverty and inequality resulting in a rise in Victorian diseases

what a surprise that gas112 who is a lifetime Conservative voters wants to blame foreigners

This is a perfect example of how the right wing media brainwashes its easily led supporters

here is how gas112 is so easily brainwashed:

Depends how you define Aid ??

Afaik ?? In a lot of cases Cash is not given ? As such ???
NWGS says he was a lifetime Labour supporter:
You’re correct, I don’t support racism.

I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make ? Are you ?

As I’ve said multiple times now I’ve no interest in politics, and much like Palestine and Israel both sides are c nuts.
The last 14 years of the Conservative party has seen a huge rise poverty and inequality resulting in a rise in Victorian diseases

what a surprise that gas112 who is a lifetime Conservative voters wants to blame foreigners

This is a perfect example of how the right wing media brainwashes its easily led supporters

here is how gas112 is so easily brainwashed:

triggered and making assumptions as per usual . At least you give most of us a good old laugh with your rants which seem to be getting worse . Hopefully by the 4th of july when you have cracked completely you get the help you so desperately need and the cell has plenty of padding
triggered and making assumptions as per usual . At least you give most of us a good old laugh with your rants which seem to be getting worse . Hopefully by the 4th of july when you have cracked completely you get the help you so desperately need and the cell has plenty of padding

Oh dear, gas112 has no counter argument so resorts to an ad hominem attack.

Thank you for admitting you are wrong.

14 years of Conservatives has led to Victorian diseases, malnutrition, poverty.

No amount of gasbag trying to blame foreigners can hide the truth
Oh dear, gas112 has no counter argument so resorts to an ad hominem attack.

Thank you for admitting you are wrong.

14 years of Conservatives has led to Victorian diseases, malnutrition, poverty.

No amount of gasbag trying to blame foreigners can hide the truth
usual rant again i see ignoring the evidence . I know you wont have any friends but google is everyone's friend give it a try
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