Former minister Robin Cook dies

6 Jul 2005
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United Kingdom
Former Cabinet minister Robin Cook, 59, has died after collapsing while hill walking in north-west Scotland.

Link :

One of the few politicians of today who stood by his principles and had
the integrity to resign his position instead of being one of the self seeking
party sheep.
His foresight of the situation in Iraq has come to fruition.
He will be remembered for his wisdom,
wit and compentency as a Foreign Secretary .
A great parliamentarian who used his words wisely.
A sad loss to the nation.
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By 'eck, red lad, never mind the news, I'll just come 'ere in future!!
And Tony Teflon Blair's grin just gets bigger and bigger
I did not agree with everything he wanted to do, but I did respect the Man for standing by his principles over Iraq, and lets face it, he was proved to be right.

Further, 59 is no age for anyone to die....
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FWL_Engineer said:
I did not agree with everything he wanted to do, but I did respect the Man for standing by his principles over Iraq, and lets face it, he was proved to be right.

Further, 59 is no age for anyone to die....

Says FWL Engineer aged 58.5
I was very shocked last night to see this awful news :(
I gave up my Labour Membership when he resigned his Position ....

beautifully wrote above he was a REAL STATESMAN In TODAYS SEWER Politics...

Robin Cook
R.I.P. 1946-2005

Phoney Toney+DEAD ..THE WORLD REJOICES especially if that munkey Cretin Bush is sent too Hell with him ..
never a labour man and never will be, but i can respect a man who has principles and stands up for them, when the rest of the crowd are baying for his blood. He showed more honesty and integrity in one week then the rest of this shower of **** have in the past 8 years.

sleep well
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