Forum for legal & rights

Skan said:
.......What would you do if tomorrow I offer to sell u a David Bowie's Ray Band shade he wore in his first world tour in 1971 for only £1 because it had always brought me bad luck & I must part with it by end of 5/12/04? Do you want some advises 1st and feed back from your ..alien Klinon?......

I did SFA me old china .... You could actually, with as much care and precision as you may like, place the old Ray-bans in that dark secluded place, where the light of day cannot find it's way ....... ole !!

Now if it were Barry Bucknall's screwdriver ... then you'd be in business - perhaps !! ( Barry had a lot to answer for from the anti-noise lobby !!)
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I wonder if the admin team at DIYnot are regretting ever starting the 'General' forum...

I hardly ever delve into the other sections anymore!!! :p

I do nose at another website forum and have suggested to them not to further subdivide it, for the very reasons touched on. Though the information and discussion is great and varied, and in most cases priceless, one spends less time and is less able to keep flitting from one part to another, therefore the thread may be lost.

I do rate this as my "favourite" site, and whether it be for serious enlightenment or exercise for the smile lines, I don't see that changing; and I suppose this leads to a big well done all round to the controllers and the contributors.
Wood would, could, should and finally did, convulse into hilarity !! :D :D
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Thanks for the "Find a Property" website. That referred that 40% rib off by cowboy. The figure is much higher, I think.
A lot of the older folks just can not be bother to report & some do not know that they have been rip off.

The website direct to "HOMEPRO"
I came across them sometime ago. They provided so called 10 yrs insurance for conservatory installer. But the insurance do not kick in unless the installer go out of business. So waht a waste of paper & ink?

They also do not issue the final insurance to the customer unless the installer pay the final payment. So if you are in dispute with the installer, u will never get the insurance. Their business come from the installers so which side do you think they support?
Oh by the way, installer will not pay the Homepro the final payment for them to issue the insurance unless the customer pay them 100% money eventhough there are defects & did not installed accordance with soecifications or building code of practice.

It is just a good con