12 Dec 2004
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United Kingdom
Hi All, I have a problem. Since finding this site four or five months back I have become more and more addicted. It started off in small doses, maybe just once or twice a week. But before long I found myself looking at posts at all hours of day and night. I am now up to six or seven hits a day. I am losing my friends and family, and have had to sell my sister into prostitution just to keep up my ever-expanding habit.
The problem is, that now I just need more and more. More than my dealers can supply (I also use the IEE Forum and Screwfix.)
Can anyone please tell me of other dealers (err, I mean Forums) to help satisfy my addiction.
Cheers, A32.

P.S It's not a problem I can give up anytime I like! :evil: :confused: :cool: :LOL:
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Ig, i'm surprised at you! Taking advantage of a poor girl like that.
Send us an email and i'll return the number.
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TraineeSpark said:
have had to sell my sister into prostitution just to keep up my ever-expanding habit.
How old fashioned - you should have got her a webcam site instead - much more convenient (she can work longer hours, and can get punters even when the weather is bad), safer (well, you have to protect your investment), more profitable (1 webcam, multiple simultaneous customers), and with scope for diversification (e.g. cameras in the shower, toilet, facing upwards on the stairs etc, to cater for specialised interests).
Errrr, B-A-S sounds a bit TOO knowledgeable about this to my mind........ :oops:

PS TraineeSpark - you are not alone (although I don't think I'd raise enough cash from my bro')
O.K guys, I guess I asked for this by being a little Tongue-in Cheek with my original post.
And thanks for all the tips, I am putting them into practice as we speak.
But seriously, can anyone recommend any other electrical forums please.
Cheers, TS.
Hi Sparkybird, thanks for your reply. How you doing, and where do you live?
Cheers TS.
TraineeSpark said:
O.K guys, I guess I asked for this by being a little Tongue-in Cheek with my original post.
There you are you see -you're already coming up with new ideas!

And thanks for all the tips, I am putting them into practice as we speak.
But seriously, can anyone recommend any other electrical forums please.
Cheers, TS.
There's always the site that dare not speak its name:

http://www.a s k t h e t r a d e
Damocles said:
But they can be a bit sensitive about criticism.

they can be a lot sensitive if you don't agree with them ;)
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