What do you like and dislike about the GD Forum

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And typically, it contained the one and only time I have ever seen Himmy apologise! Of a fashion tho, he still had to have a pop.
This is post number 6 which was thanked by typical RWRs
Thanking people in contravention of Himaginn's "Thanks Directive"

The list of typical RWRs who thanked Foxy Osbreath for his derogatory comment.

And for Himmy to compare a few members here who 'thanked' a comment over your silly obsession about 'thanks' to the KKK is also unfair.
Now bloatymam (like it. :)) has got her knickers in a right twist over this. She's gone all of a tizzy!
As usual she's confused herself and trying to confuse others as well.
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