Forum Update

I don't have any significant gripes but I do completely sympathise with the desire to deal with the "warnings" from Google. I have been there with some of my websites in the past.

If you don't keep them happy, they will downgrade the visibility of your website. Which results in fewer eyeballs, less advertising revenue and less reason to keep the site active.

That said, I only access the site via my laptop and so cannot comment on the phone/tablet versions.
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Of course, none of this information helps you enjoy or use it any better, so if you would like to leave constructive points about how it could be improved, or features that are now missing, I am working my way through things. Overall, the update isn't complete and I'm continuing to implement other things / setup things that haven't been done in the first main wave of the update (e.g. thanks/like isn't complete / media is still in progress etc etc).
Before you do anything about the look and feel of the forum, please add in the option to deny ALL cookies.
Do not just leave it upto the user to go research and use their own cookie blocking programs, AFAIK you must under GDPR give the option to refuse all your tracking.

This absolutely must be a priority.
The Information Commissioner tells me that it is law - please follow it.
Missing feature - the big red warning on old threads which stopped people from replying to them accidentally.
Thank you everyone for your feedback.

On the mobile view there's no longer the option to go directly to a certain page of a thread, it merely defaults to the first page, hopefully this will be addressed.
In mobile view, the page navigation is under the thread title. To go to a specific page click on the e.g. '3 of 4' bit and enter the number directly. first/ Previous / Next / last options are there as well.

How do I find the first post unread by me, in a long thread?

Before, ISTR there used to be a blue dot by each thread title I could click on that would take me to it.
When in a thread there is a link under the page navigation that says 'jump to new' that will take you to the first unread post of that thread.
Before you do anything about the look and feel of the forum, please add in the option to deny ALL cookies.
Do not just leave it upto the user to go research and use their own cookie blocking programs, AFAIK you must under GDPR give the option to refuse all your tracking.

This absolutely must be a priority.
The Information Commissioner tells me that it is law - please follow it.
Indeed a better consent form is on the way. The current cookie consent is still the same as the old forum, nothing has changed materially in that respect. However, if cookies were disabled completely the forum would not function, cookies are used for example to keep you logged in.
Why can’t I send an emoji?
Is it my knackered old iPad?
John (emoji)
Emojis not currently enabled (wasn't on the old forum either). They are possible and will hopefully be enabled once some more background changes have been made to the database.
Missing feature - the big red warning on old threads which stopped people from replying to them accidentally.
Well spotted, that is something that's already on the list and should be done this week.
Before you do anything about the look and feel of the forum, please add in the option to deny ALL cookies.
Do not just leave it upto the user to go research and use their own cookie blocking programs, AFAIK you must under GDPR give the option to refuse all your tracking.

This absolutely must be a priority.
The Information Commissioner tells me that it is law - please follow it.

I'm off for while. That box demanding I consent to the use of cookies is making the site near-unusable and psissing me off royally.

I'm off for while. That box demanding I consent to the use of cookies is making the site near-unusable and psissing me off royally.

That's of course your choice. As I said before nothing has changed with the cookies. The consent box is the same, the cookies are the same. You had clicked on exactly the same box before at some point otherwise it'd be popping up every time you used the old forum.
I noticed this this morning too, on the mobile view after you edit a post the revised post doesn't automatically appear, it looks like your post doesn't exist after you submit your changes, you have to click the refresh button or exit and re-enter the thread to see it the revised post.
Thanks, this is now fixed.
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