foxhunting ban?

9 Apr 2004
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United Kingdom
what are everyones views on the recent fiasco that was the foxhunting ban.i am an animal lover & hate any cruelty to pets/animals but when i went to my mates farm he showed me that a fox had got into the chicken coop & killed all 30 birds but ate only one which he dragged off with him,this has happened to people with aviarys for finches etc...i think that the fox HAS a chance to escape even though it is proberly 99-1 odds against it but theres still a chance?the fox would proberbly be dead in the 1st dog bite & won't feel a thing when the other 50 hounds join in.but if farmer giles sees a fox with his 12 bore its goodnight vienna for the fox.
BOOOOOM.well thats my view anyway.
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I don't like the idea of hunting as a form of entertainment, I feel it's a little barbaric and deliberately elitist sport.

But I also wouldn't like to turn around and say no, it should be banned. I don't feel I know enough about this culture to have the right and say that.

I certainly don't like the thought of any animal suffering, especially when it's needless, for example make-up testing on bunnie wabbits is just horrific. If they need to know what effect shampoo in the eye has, try it yourself - you only tend to do it once!

So, a little on the fence really... :rolleyes:
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The one thing i cant stand on this issue is the countryside alliance saying the ban is all down to 'townies' trying to run the countrside who have no idea how it(the countryside) works :evil: Utter claptrap,i dont care how the countryside works (it doesn't,its subsidided by us townies,but thats another issue) the issue is that chasing an animal (scared for its life) and then ripping it to pieces is just not acceptable anymore.
People in this country,probably including members of the alliance,protest about other countries cruelty,ie bullfighting,boiling cats and dogs alive in korea etc,but then think chasing foxes until exhaustion and then death is acceptable.
"Oh but we are controlling the pest situation with hunting" they say,more bull****.You often read about people who kill domestic cats for pooing in their gardens,they are pests to them but this is deemed unacceptable,why the difference?
Farmers look after you animals better and it wouldnt happen,would it!
rage over now :D :D :D
Whilst I empathise with all concerned , i.e. both sides - one their livelihood versus the animal rights aspect, isn't this whole thing all a bit excessive. Especially when compared to the wars that we are fighting and all those innocent people dying.
Can't there be some compromise so that we can get on with more pressing issues.
I would be interested to see the outcome of the Hare coursing ban in particular. Round here the farmers have problems with illegal hare coursers to the extent there is information on what to look for on the local police website.

So, farmers quite frequently invite huntsman to come onto their land and hunt as many hares as they can. This has been happening for years.

Banning hare coursing is unlikely to change anything, the shady types will still do it, and they will still intimidate the farmer who owns the land, and they will still be able to say "We're just ramblers walking the dogs" when the police show up.

At least with fox hunts it is easy to tell who is involved: as far as I am aware very few people ride around in a red blazer and girls' tights, whilst blowing a bugle and smearing blood on their children's faces.

I am drawn, however. It has already been proven that there are ways to NOT control vermin, look what mixamatosis has done.

A less cruel approach to controlling the levels of foxes is hunting with gun and gundog. In this case, the dog is only there to "finish off" anything that you hit, but don't kill. Instead of the fox dragging itself off to die over a few days in agony, the dog runs over and kills it via some pretty heavy duty biting. Still not pleasant for the fox, but probably slightly more humane than the current "hunt", and will disuade the elitists as it isn't so much of a "sport".
Well said omgwhyd :D :D I also sport by definition meant a fair contest not 100 dogs versus 1 animal. :evil: :evil: :evil:
Gwan !!... bunch of softies !!!
If the gentry isn't torturing the fox, then the bu66ers'll start on us again !! All part of the Prime Minature's master plan to cut pension costs and curtail longevity!!

Soon be hunt the granny & gramps time !! Polish the bugels folks ... game on !! ;)

100% agreed and what about fishing then ?

Indeed, despite the fact that many people conveniently forget that fish are in fact animals... source of many discussions between myself and "wannabe" vegetarians. Some say that fish can't feel pain... load of twaddle! That is as accurate as when they say a penile operation will cause "minor discomfort"! :LOL:

[image removed]

This fox lost an unbalanced fight against 40 dogs, funnily enough. By the way, those stringy things to the right are it's intestines. Now, if one animal is to kill another quickly, they go for the neck. Remember watching all those nature programmes where D. Attenborough shows big cats hunting bovines? Now, look at the neck area of this fox. Seems uninjured to me. No, the dogs disembowelled this chap, a very painful death. Anyone who says THIS is a humane way to keep vermin levels down surely can't be right? I'm not saying they should or shouldn't, but call a spade a spade. If you think THIS is sport, tattoo "I'm a complete ba**ard" on your forehead.
Hmmm, might get taken down, I'm not sure if that image is against the terms of use of the website :confused:

Anyway, I have an interesting idea. Farmers are stereotyped as being all FOR fox hunts. However, surely if you don't keep poultry then foxes won't bother you? They aren't known for their love of corn, barley and oilseed rape. Nor are they ambitious enough to bring down a cow.

So, what if you were an anti-hunt sheep farmer, and the horsies came through one of your fields? You would be within your rights to shoot ALL the dogs, and claim they were worrying your sheep. Obviously this would still be cruel, but it would be hard for the pro-hunt lobby to claim such all-encompassing titles as "Countryside Alliance", or say things like "all of us in the country support this, especially farmers, so p*ss of townies!". I'm sure there are plenty of countryside dwellers who don't like being tarred with the pro-hunt brush just because they live in the country! :rolleyes:
Couldn't agree with you more Adam. An absolutely horrific picture, glad you explained the intestines, at first glance it looks like the fox was chained during its ordeal.
what surprizes me is they say the fox dies quickly
so these specialy trained hounds dispatch the fox humainly do they

they never savage the fox they just gently caresse the fox to death
without pain

what planet do these selfish people live

if foxes are a menace shoot them
do not prance about as a large mass of people pretending
your doing any thing other than being barbarick saviges

if you think we are all thick fair enough
but i think the lack of intelegence comes when people on
horses chasing foxes say we need to do this to cull them
humainly mmmmm i am obviously thick cos i cant see how
several dozen people on a horse can be more efficiant
at despatching a fox than a game keeper

big all
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