Free speech to return ?

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I wasn't aware it had gone anywhere, judging by all the BS people write and say these days.
"all plumbers are infidels who should be hanged from the nearest lamppost by their own belts" is an example of free speech. So is "the country is run by a secret cabal of old Etonians who are child abusers and traffickers. They hold their meetings at 28b Railway Cuttings East Cheam" is another.
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A lot of forums are heavily censored, mainly by AI. Replying on Microsoft news articles, many words are not allowed, even though the same word appears in the article. You can get around it sometimes by misspelling a word, or leaving a gap in the word. I had a user name of Mustapha Dump which was OK for ages, then suddenly it wasn't. Free speech has been eroded over the years for fear of people getting upset on other peoples behalf.
People misunderstand free speech. Just because it's free it doesn't mean someone else has to print it, just that you aren't arrested for it.
People misunderstand free speech
Especially confused old right wingers...
A lot of forums are heavily censored, mainly by AI. Replying on Microsoft news articles, many words are not allowed, even though the same word appears in the article. You can get around it sometimes by misspelling a word, or leaving a gap in the word. I had a user name of Mustapha Dump which was OK for ages, then suddenly it wasn't. Free speech has been eroded over the years for fear of people getting upset on other peoples behalf.
People misunderstand free speech. Just because it's free it doesn't mean someone else has to print it, just that you aren't arrested for it.
Free speech or freedom of speech is the ability to speak out without censorship (unless what you say/write contravenes law). Some platforms will censor perfectly legal things if they deem it against their guidelines, that is not freedom of speech.
Free speech or freedom of speech is the ability to speak out without censorship (unless what you say/write contravenes law). Some platforms will censor perfectly legal things if they deem it against their guidelines, that is not freedom of speech.
No it isn't, not classically. Free speech in law is all about government control, not the freedom of people or companies to set their own limits within them.

You have every right to create your own version of any popular medium, Twitter, Telegram, Facebook, Newspaper, Newsletter etc. and say whatever you like, you have no right to force another service to carry your messages. It's ironic some people demand the freedom for them to speak even at the cost of someone else's freedom not assist it.
"all plumbers are infidels who should be hanged from the nearest lamppost by their own belts" is an example of free speech. So is "the country is run by a secret cabal of old Etonians who are child abusers and traffickers. They hold their meetings at 28b Railway Cuttings East Cheam" is another.
The bit about plumbers is surely ‘hate speech’
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so is the Q for them qualified to do gas?
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