The right to free speech in a free society

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Here is an open letter to the world written by the World Doctors Alliance a few months ago.

The vast majority of the organisations they reference in that document are the MSM and government organisations. That must mean the document can't be trusted in your world?
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Conspiracy ???

blimey u need to look no further than the Chinese they started this caper either by there back ward practices or some lab caper that went pear shaped ;)
True to form, transam wastes no time in further his own xenophobic agenda whenever the opportunity presents it self, even if it is totally irrelevant to the thread subject.
He must have spotted the word 'Covid' in there somewhere. He openly admits he can't read beyond the fist line or two.
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You obviously missed the part where I stated that these people have all been called quacks and widely derided as a scam organisation.
And the part where I said think for yourself, read what they say, and than make your own mind up.
You also omitted to mention that he's been suspended by the GMC.
Surgeon who said covid-19 was a hoax has been suspended pending GMC investigation
BMJ 2020; 370 doi: (Published 06 July 2020)Cite this as: BMJ 2020;370:m2714
You obviously missed the part where I stated that these people have all been called quacks and widely derided as a scam organisation.
And the part where I said think for yourself, read what they say, and than make your own mind up.

I did, and I have.
Here is an open letter to the world written by the World Doctors Alliance a few months ago.

The vast majority of the organisations they reference in that document are the MSM and government organisations. That must mean the document can't be trusted in your world?
The vast majority of the organisations they reference in that document are the MSM and government organisations. That must mean the document can't be trusted in your world?

They are using officialdom's own figures and statements against them, to show that they are lying.
That's a difficult concept to understand I know.
Nonsense. Doctors often query papers, hypotheses or questionable practices.
They don't often tell the world that governments, mainstream media, pharmaceutical companies, and many others are all lying and killing people unnecessarily.
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