Friday's Puzzle

toasty said:
Never saw the footy perms one empip, I'll search for it.
For those interested, the best set of numbers seems to be
1, 2, 5 and 6 using these you can make all numbers up to 43.

Nice puzzle eh?

Not an everyday puzzle to be sure.

Just a mention of writing a basic prog to find all patterns for footy perms, using binary strings set on for a draw off no draw... probably not searchable now.
======= Number sequence
My plan failed ... on hindsight my final spread sheet did not consider reordering of the numbers !! For example 1 2 3 4 cannot make 7 in that order using the three operators allowed.

Thus 4x3x2x1=24 combinations of four numbers with reordering.
Each combo requiring 7 sets of 27 to cover combinations of brackets and Arith operators as before... Simply having to cover 24 different base sets - not just the one.

24x7x27 = 4536 total combinations per set of 4 numbers .. I think !
The base set would still fit the spreadsheet easily.
VB could do the work on the data as before... 1st run would point out the purely dodgy formulae ... so we could subsequently drop them.

Update --- SS works fine .. verified Toasty's result ok.

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