I disagree about the elderly and unemployed. They get a massive winter fuel payment which easily covers the extra winter bills plus a bit extra on food.
I think it’s actually working people who suffer.
We know elderly people in sheltered housing and their heating is on all year because it’s free.
Really all elderly and unemployed homes should have had all had their insulation upgraded by now for free. Everything should be done to get this to happen; for example to help elderly people who are unable to move stuff out of their loft themselves.
I’d like the government to step in and require the tariffs to reward and encourage energy efficiency.
Eon send you a useless energy monitor as a PR stunt to hide the fact you pay much more for the initial units you use. This is totally backwards; everyone should get the initial units at a cheap rate and pay more for excessive usage.
If you’re dependent on taxpayers you should be required to be efficient.
Every time you get people complaining on the news about their fuel bills; they’re always running a dog of two. You shouldn’t have a dog or cat if you’re on benefits as we’re funding them.
I’m sure there are a tiny number of people in genuine need, but I just don’t believe the “fuel poverty” thing.
What really annoys us is we’re careful about the energy we use.
The government then takes money off us and gives it to people who waste it.
Presumably so their mates at the energy companies can justify the money they make