I was watching the Sky news channel, intermittantly, and the oil price ranged from high to 0.010%, which means no increase. But an excuse for the oil companies to use a situation, and the Governments, to rake in the cash over media led trivia.
These dictator countries kick off, for no reason, then blame Bin laden, Egypt gets taken to a no control state, Lisbon follows suit, then Libya. WE in the UK have NO current leader. Cameron is out of the country, selling weapons to these people, and Clegg, the person in charge, in his absence, says, "Am I running the country?" Durr!
What the hell?
I suggest an uprising in England, about all the cuts that are being made, and the rising fuel prices. Refineries were blockaded a few years ago for lesser prices at the pumps. LET US FORCE OUT UNELECTED PEOPLE OUT OF GOVERNMENT AND RISE ABOVE THE TAXES THAT THE BANKERS PUT UPON US. LET THE BANKERS PAY, WHEN THEY AWARD THEMSELVES MILLIONS IN BONUSES, AND PAY 1% TAX, WHEN WE ARE TOLD 'TIGHTEN YOUR BELTS, CHOOSE CHARITY, REIGN IT IN'