Fuel prices........what can we do??

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A lot of modern diesel engines now have cats and with the fuel now being low sulphur their outputs are much cleaner.

It's simply a way to drag in more money, dressed up with the excuse of poor emissions.

How much do you want to bet the same thing will happen in another 20 years if LP gas conversions really become popular?

LPG has shot up in price since it was first seen on the forecourt.

I first saw it at 32p/ l. In the last year it has been as high as 70+p/ l and is now round about 50p/ l.

This chart is interesting.


In 1987, diesel was 35p a litre, with 60% tax.

In 2005, diesel was 91p a litre, with 67% tax.

In 2016, diesel is £1 a litre, tax level unknown.
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I was going to buy the new Nissan Qashqai...or should that be $qai, at the time you didn't pay any duty because the emissions were so low. They've had to change their tune on that as soon no one would be paying road duty.

Lolz and I imagine we'll find out all the emissions tests have been faked to get so low.
With the VW cheating news a few months ago, there was much gnashing of teeth over "the emissions tests not being reflective of real driving".
But isn't the point to establish a consistent and repeatable test, so that cars can be compared between each other, rather than being an absolute, accurate, measure of anything?
My last fill-up a few days ago was $2.87 per gallon for regular unleaded, but that was with attended service, I got my windshield washed as well, and a "big name" brand gasoline - 76. The supermarket brands around here are more like $2.40/gal. at the moment.

There are one or two things I might miss about Britain, but the price of petrol is not one of them!
You may know that, thanks to US shale, the trading price of crude oil has dropped by about 80% in the last 18 months, and is currently about $34/boe, with a global glut.


I heard today that with the US turning into a net exporter, and Saudi gushing it out to maintain market share and push competitors into bankruptcy, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs say the price might reach $20.


This is contrary to the popular story trailed a few years ago that the world had passed "Peak Oil" and was moving into shortage.

Some will be interested to know that Saudi has fallen $100bn into deficit, and is having to cut subsidies and increase taxes. Their spending cuts are sending a chill wind through the major arms exporters.

They may also try to sell part of their oil company

Possibly, though, high prices (including tax) are better for the world as they encourage frugal use, meaning the reserves will last longer, and pollution and climate change will be reduced. There's no moral or economic reason why oil "should" be cheap.
It's a mathematical certainty that the USA will go bust in the next five years. Get ready for the REAL depression that will last decades.
Or perhaps China will go first.
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