Full Setting issue back

Just checked this

If i just press part, nothing happens, no change to the disokay etc.
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When you part set when your arming what does it say on the keypad.

What text do you have assigned to area arm suites and to part 1 2 and 3
Ok, I have reset the panel and started from scratch

Part setting appears to be working correctly now, silent when setting etc.

However, still need to close the front door and press yes to arm if I start to arm with the door open

Arm mode is Entry/Exit

Zone 9 (front door) is they entry/exit 1 with attribute of guard for when part set

Other than this, everything seems ok


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that sounds good, like I say I believe the part set was behaving the way it was because the area arm suite was programmed.

you should note what is now recorded in the log when you part arm, but if you have changed all the text entries it may be difficult to prove one way or the other.
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ok, i have given all text entries different wording and part set again to confirm the banner / logs

The banner on the keypad changed to Bedtime, which is the part arm banner so all good here

Logs say Area(s) Quick Part 1 armed

So, just need to work out why the entry / exit needs to be closed before i can full set, or is this normal for this panel?



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Cheers Secureiam

Is there a mode i can use then, when i tried timed it still didn't like the door being open when i started the arm process

Thanks for all your input btw, much appreciated

ok, but i guess this would still like the door to be closed when starting the arm procedure

Looks like I am just going to have to live with it

Thanks again for all your time
Ok, sorted the issue with the door being open when setting the alarm

I had "view exit errors" ticked in the global options, de-selecting this solved the issue

Thanks for your input


yes I should have known that to be honest and should have made reference to it but don't appear to have done. slap my wrist.

So the issue were the part arm which I believe was a part arm suite issue and the second is the exit errors.

have to admit I usually leave this turned on, as enter the code, open the door, close the door 8 seconds later it arms.
Hey, no worries it happens to us all

I would have accepted the way you do it but when the kids run to the car and leave the door open, it would have been me having to go and shut the door and come pack the the kp to arm the alarm, no hardship I suppose but sometimes when something is bugging you, you like to find the answer

Thanks again for all your input


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