
18 Oct 2008
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United Kingdom
News to me but grandaughter told me yesterday about furrys, not the ones in the woods but mostly secondary school / f/e students who now identify as furry animals,
apparently they have been going into school wearing animal ears, tails, furry bits etc and demanding litter trays in the w/c's. After I told her she was taking the pizz out of me I saw a lady who has 2 teenage daughters at a local school, she confirmed that it's true and said at the recent school prom a load of them turned up dressed as animals. FFs why do people let them get away with this crap " it's their right to self determination" was the answer that I got , a good slap for them and their parents is what is missing, The loonies have really taken over the assylum.
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Recent Claims and Hoaxes

There have been recent rumours, claims and hoaxes about students within multiple UK schools identifying as cats and engaging in disruptive behaviours, such as crawling on all fours and demanding litterboxes be placed in toilets. These stories have been picked up and reported on by various news broadcasters. Many use the term ‘Furries’ when referring to the students in question (though it is unclear whether this terminology has been used by any of these students to describe themselves).
As the topic of Furries is very niche and claimed to be misrepresented by popular media, it can be easy to identify the two together. However, it’s important to note that many of these stories have been debunked as hoaxes. It’s also worth mentioning that the Furry community itself is a complex one, made up of many different identities and definitions of what it means to be a ‘Furry’.
There are also multiple TikTok trends and social media posts that fuel and play into these rumours popping up across the world. It has been a popular topic on forums such as MumsNet, as well as traditional news media. While some posts claim to be true, it is difficult to ascertain their validity, especially as many of the locations mentioned play into the hoax stories.
Due to this complexity, our online safety experts were unable to substantiate any reports being made about this behaviour in schools or claims that mentioned students considering themselves to be Furries.
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, furry bits etc and demanding litter trays in the w/c's.

If this is true, things are going way too far in favour of the rights of kids. Would have liked to see them turn up at my school back in the days of sanity making demands. The adults were very much in chage then. We didn't appreciate it at the time, but with hindsight it's the only way, for the benefit of both the kids and society.

If the kids persist, perhaps school meals for them should consist of cat or dog food, poss carrots and lettuce leaves. Then be made to eat it until they see the error of their ways.
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This is all ******. I'll leave the OPs GD at 'misinformed'.

Do i believe some children dress up as furries….yes
Do I believe they think they are animals... no
Do I believe children identify as animals as described... abso no evidence
Do I believe that schools are on board with it…abso not
Do I believe that some children are doing this to wind the teachers up and see how far they can push it….hell yes.

I just spent 6 weeks invigilating GCSE and A Levels in a local school. Real external exams, not mocks, and we sent children home to change if they came in a hoodie or no tie. This is a hoax.
This is all ******. I'll leave the OPs GD at 'misinformed'.

Do i believe some children dress up as furries….yes
Do I believe they think they are animals... no
Do I believe children identify as animals as described... abso no evidence
Do I believe that schools are on board with it…abso not
Do I believe that some children are doing this to wind the teachers up and see how far they can push it….hell yes.

I just spent 6 weeks invigilating GCSE and A Levels in a local school. Real external exams, not mocks, and we sent children home to change if they came in a hoodie or no tie. This is a hoax.

I saw an article about this, from some school in 'murca.
Litter trays in classrooms, so the story went that kids - now identifying as animals - were cr@pping in them.
Outrage triggered.

A teacher then did a piece, explaining to his class that it had, in fact, been introduced as a measure in the event of a school-shooter event, during which the kids might have to remain locked in their classroom for hours...........
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