Gable roof...Cutting Verge Tiles to Fit?

8 Jul 2008
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United Kingdom
Is it normal practice to manually cut all the overhanging gable end tiles to fit the overhanging roof verge and then mortar over the edge them to make them look smooth?

I think I have described this correctly. I just saw a very rought cut edge of all these it is mortard it looks smooth and nice....but just wondered.

What we do is use a tile then a tile 'n' half up each gable the run the cut to the middle or away from the verges.

What we do is use a tile then a tile 'n' half up each gable the run the cut to the middle or away from the verges.

Interesting, can you explain what you mean by "run the cut to the middle or away from the verges"

I did not see them doing it, but i heard lots of circular sawing and when I looked out of my window, I noticed all the verge tiles on the gable end looked very rough and not exactly even, so I assumed (as it looked like it) that they had just put the tiles on and cut their edges untill they met the verge edge. As I say, they have now mortard the edge. But rather then leaving the tile edges visible, the have mortard them it looks neat...but cut rough underneath....
Oh right, you are referring to concrete interlocking tiles.

These are indeed run in from one gable end and then cut up the other gable.
These tiles have a gutter edge and a lap edge to each tile and interlock together meaning you can only cut the tiles at each end or verge.

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