
26 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
who is this guy i just heard him slagging our armed forces on the news

> he says its ok for the iraqis to kill our troops ? who else thinks this errr mp is it should be kicked out of office

British mps saying its ok for our troops to be attacked what the **** next if i seee him i will clip his lug he needs it the b*******d :evil: :evil: :p
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If it's ok for our troops to kill Iraqis why isn't it ok for them to fight back?

If Iraqi troops were over here shooting at your friends and family what would you do?
omg u miss my point ??

he was saying its OK dont u understand a british mp was giving the go ahead to these baS**** to kill our troops

as in all conflicts there will be casualties but to say go on kill some more of our men we dont mind is wrong > ? or dont u think so hmmm whos ******* side are u on

traitorous words if i have ever heard any lock this c*** up

ok i had to edit this last one as i wasnt going to go personal on u but **** u too u traitor yes u ******* no one in there right ******** mind would say its ok for our lads to die even though it happens

what a ****
although he doesn't always get his opinion over with diplomacy he was basically saying if you dish the dirt........
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Slogger said:
no one in there right ******** mind would say its ok for our lads to die even though it happens

I didn't say it was alright for anyone to die and I doubt if Galloway said that either. Have you got a transcript of what was said?
petewood said:
Slogger said:
no one in there right ******** mind would say its ok for our lads to die even though it happens

I didn't say it was alright for anyone to die and I doubt if Galloway said that either. Have you got a transcript of what was said?
Steady, asking for a transcript will give validity to the statement and we don't want that do we ;)
kendor said:
Steady, asking for a transcript will give validity to the statement and we don't want that do we ;)

I do, I'm interested.
Hes the guy who visted Sadam twice to talk to him... much to the anoyance of USA and UK government. But as he pointed out thats half the times that Rumsfelt visted Sadam and Galloway wasnt (as Rumsfelt was) trying to sell Sadam arms... He speeks his mind, apears to be honest, one can disagree with him but hes a politician without his eye on a his own career but what he thinks is right, and i can respect that.
Slogger said:

traitorous words if i have ever heard any lock this c*** up

ok i had to edit this last one as i wasnt going to go personal on u but **** u too u traitor yes u ******* no one in there right ******** mind would say its ok for our lads to die even though it happens

what a ****

Then again no one in their right mind would say it's ok to take the law into your own hands and destroy speed cameras just so you can exceed the speed limit here (fifth post down) and possibly mow down somebody's child, maybe the child of a member of the armed forces.

But what do you care while you are inciting this criminal behaviour?
petewood said:
I've missed posts like this.

aye back they are

as for speeding no one i know speeds any where near kids or cars for that matter if the road is clear the **** it go for it

and as for you lot thinking its ok for our lads to die **** you all

i for one would like to have seen at least a million to 1 attrition rate for our boys


make too many rules and they are bound to be broken who here hasnt broken any rule and i mean any

there is no difference to doing 190 mph on a deserted road to doing 40 in a 30

then again i am not governed by the same rules as you as i use my own

ah the kracken has awoken again!

have you got a child detector in your british built vehicle then slogger that tells you when theres no kids around?
Slogger said:
there is no difference to doing 190 mph on a deserted road to doing 40 in a 30

My maths isn't as good as some on here but I make it about 150mph.
no the difference is baaa baa baaa baaaa

no kids where i go if there was they are feral never seen any then again never seen anything when i do my self destuctive speeding i only put myself and the economy at risk

too many rules = they will be broken and broken seriously ( that is if your alive and have blood in your veins baaaaa baaaaaaa

****** shift n 8 shift n 8 *****
seems baa baa aint around when u need him lil *******
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