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That's a good point. I've not noticed him for ages. When I first started posting on GD and I was trying to get to know everyone and work out where they stood, there was gant and gone, and I often got them confused. Then gone became fillyboy, or turned back into fillyboy, I believe. But has gant actually now gone and left us?
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It's a sad fact that some of us just die, I daresay a high percentage of the GD section are edging (and not a in a good way) towards the end so stands to reason some of us will not wake up tomorrow.
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Another cheery thought, Oasis possibly reforming. Definitely maybe.
Not looking forward to it...

My Mum says life is a cruel game where you come into the world having absolutely no choice about the matter, then eventually comes the time when you are wrenched from it, but not before you have come to know and love it and some of the people in it.

She doesn't want to leave, she wants to know what she calls the next chapter, what will become of her grandkids, will they have kids, etc.....

She says her perfect death would be climbing over a stile on a warm sunny day, the air filled with the buzzing of bees, birdsong and the bleating of sheep, with wild flowers in the hedgerows, then, as she comes down the other side, she dies a painless, instant death.

I can't imagine life without Mum.
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