
I used the 80mm version to slot snugly fitting PIR down into the uninsulated sloped sections of our dormer roof via access from the attic above and crawl spaces below. I couldn't have done the job without it as some of the sections were blind one end, some were over 1.5m long, most were slightly inconsistent in width along their length and all had absolutely zero access to fill gaps along the sides with foam without ripping out all of the plasterboard on the underside. It's not cheap but in that situation especially, a complete no brainer.
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I've seen a few articles suggesting that the newest building regs update make Gapotape a requirement, which is rubbish.

The requirement is to have no gaps There are many ways to achieve this, the cheapest being accurate measuring and cutting of the insulation boards.
And they wonder why new homes and buildings are getting so expensive to build, this kind of stuff and regulations is getting to be quite ridiculous, if more care is taken at the insulation stage in measuring and cutting Gapotape wouldn't be necessary.

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