garage done the work without telling me the cost

At the end of the day, the OP hasn't come back to us. So who knows what was said or done.

Unless this is another wind up thread.

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Regardless of what anyone else says this "mechanic/mate" should have given you a realistic estimate. I would say that £15 is a bit cheap just for the belt. But you don't really have any way to go other than pay him. You could take it to court but that would, probably, cost you more in the long run. You could not pay and let him take you to court. Personally I would pay up, grudgingly, and then tell him to go stuff himself and never darken your life again.
apparently the tensioner wasn't even there it had fallen off so had to have that, but the most concerning is that he put a new heater valve on which apparently I needed as my car was always hot inside, I couldn't turn the heat down, I never asked him to do that and that hasn't even cured the problem so basically I have told him to put the old one back and refund me, tosser
Are you sure about the tensioner - they don’t normally have one - they are a 'stretch fit' belt. Good luck with refitting the heater valve - they normally harden with age (plastic) and crumble when you take the hoses off. If it’s still hot, make sure the wiring connector hasn’t fallen off the control switch.
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I was assuming it was a petrol engined model. Looking back through the thread, it doesn’t say either way but the belt in the link posted by Hertsdrainage was a stretch belt as it has the tools included to fit it. I’ve never used them, I just wind them on like a bike chain.