Gardtec 300/500 series - Alarm will NOT activate when armed

I was being sarcastic, as you already had.
And as you can see the answer was the same, at least this time you said there are no contacts in your next reply.

So i`ll leave to you to work it all out now.
As for the idea of your wife changing something, probably you fooling about.
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Thanks to everyone that helped, i truly appreciate your time and information.

I will attempt to find the solution elsewhere
1, I like the edit where you have removed the part your "wife probably messed with the system".

2, The answers have been given both here and the other forum as to how to find the issue.

3, You have not tested as asked therefore will not find the answer.

4, If you had of said in your first reply as in the other forum, about NOT having a DOOR CONTACT this would have been resolved sooner.

Your quote from the other forum,

Thanks, I have called a friend who is an alarm engineer (couldn't get hold of him over the weekend) and i am waiting for him to have a look and hopefully let him sort it out...

So you were just picking our brains and wasting our time.
Which was obvious as you were not doing as requested and failed to mention what was lacking when given a valid answer, both here and there.

Finally it is not an "offence" to ask everywhere, but it is polite to listen to the things said, which in both cases were correct.

Again congratulations on removing that "certain" paragraph. Makes your rant look more convincing ;)
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i am just tempted to go out and buy another GARDTEC ?

Try it lol, Panels by gardtec ( risco group company ) are obsolete , and risco wont sell to you , as your not trade and they only sell via there trade counters , all there stock has been removed from various other websites

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