No I didn't need to google that, coincidentally it was the reading stated on a print out my Gas safe engineer gave me today, it states 45.3c flue gas temp, 8.47% CO2, (that is near enough 9) so the ratio quoted was 0.0003, so try me next time I could then google!
Oh do you also want a 02 reading, that was 6.1%, which means there was still some oxygen left in the product of combustion, so it did not burn properly despite being 6% oxygen hence it produced 29ppm of CO
What effect does the flue temp have to do with the CO/CO2 ratio?
8.47% is not near enough 9% if the MI ask for 9 then it should be 9! they may allow a tolerance but we work to exacts.
Think you might want to rethink that last statement as well.
Thought I'd save you some time.