Gauranteed No Claims discount.

8 Feb 2004
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I paid extra for the above on my car insurance and received my renewal notice 2 weeks ago for £350.

I have since made a claim for damage to my vehicle ( I reversed into a tree) :oops: and have now been sent a revised quote for an extra £45 :confused: .

Bearing in mind I have a gauranteed no claim discount then should the accident have made no difference. :rolleyes:

Please explain this as I feel a bit conned! :evil:
Shouldn't you be directing your question to the insurance company.
Shouldn't you be directing your question to the insurance company.

I have and although keep my 79 % NCD my renewal premium goes up because I have made a claim! :evil:

Anyone else experienced this con trick by the insurers?
You made a claim, seems reasonable to up your premium. Shop around
It is nothing to do with your ncd, that will remain unchanged.

What the crafty swines do is to increase your premium then apply the ncd.
You made a claim, therefore you become a 'higher risk' customer in their eyes.....
They let you off with absolutely nowt, the sods.
John :confused:
It may be insurance axcess charge, I.e. you pay the first whatever amount you or your ins. company agreed at the time of taking out your [policy, all insurance companies have this and it has nothing to do with protected or unprotected NCB. A proteceted NCB simply means that your number of years will remain the same and won't go down upon A claiM

Often you can go for voluntary excess on top of the minimum your insurance company sets, that way your insurance premiums can go even lower, like I take an extra £250 excess charge on top of compulsory set by the ins company, total thus being £"350 in my case, so if I damage mine or anyone's car, i would have to pay the first £350 from my pocket and any remaining amount to repair my car would be paid by the insurance company.

However, this excess charge does not apply to windscreen damage, as that excess is normally set at a lower figure of say £50.00, so if your screen is replaced then you only pay £50 towards it, all companies can set different rate for glass damage.
btw, see if you can claim some accident and injury claim for a whip lash injury to your poor tree, say it has been disfigured and stands no chance of getting married! your tree might get that awarded, so go and see any one of these stupid accident & injury claims lawyers, see if they could put a claim through for your tree, no win no fee, in most cases they will think that your tree has a strong case, that is how stupid and silly these idiots are! they are the idiots I blame for all our premiums going up through the sky!