Is it a con

Returning to the topic, I read about this system which means that one can limit or restrict some fundamental properties of cars, in particualr allowing parents to forcibly "calm" down their offspring's excesses when they borrow the family car. Two things spring to mind:

1/. Surely it cannot be beyond the wit of man to completely disable a car by remote control so it can't be stolen since the engine won't start

2/. More to the point, if youngster's speeding can be curbed in this way, surely the insurance premium should also drop (providing it is limited to the specified car's usage)
On a related point, I've been harping on for ages about cars which have personalised GPS related controls installed which would track them if needed, and limit their speeds according to local road requirements. Also included could be safe distance and automated emergency stopping controls. In short, they would be nigh on impossible to steal and far harder to crash or drive at inapproprate speeds. These should then have extremely low insurance which reflected these properties.