GB News

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You have to admit that GBNews has been one big clusterbuck since day 1 :)
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GBnews is a loss making right wing propaganda broadcaster

anybody who watches a news channel that has ex Tory MPs interviewing Tory MPs, needs their head examined
I've heard worse on channel 4 and the BBC quite a lot worse but GB news isn't part of the club where they get more viewers than sky news, so the wagons are put into action to circle their prey.
You've heard worse on the Beeb?

“Who’d want to shag that?” rages Laurence Fox, the fading actor turned failed political candidate, of a young political reporter called Ava Evans whose views on men’s mental health (expressed on the BBC) had apparently displeased him. His mate Dan Wootton, who may be vaguely familiar to you from allegations of sexual harassment currently being investigated by a previous employer, chuckles before noting that poor Evans is actually “very beautiful”. So maybe she is shaggable, after all? There’s editorial balance for you.

I doubt it.
Dunno what all the fuss is about tbh
Remember when hair was frowned upon now profanities abound from all and sundry from the small box (let's not get into porn freely available on the net)and we've become desensitized and then up pops someone on GB news asking a reasonable question and suddenly we've become all pious. Surely attention should be focusing on 15 year old schoolgirls getting murdered for what.
Remember when hair was frowned upon now profanities abound from all and sundry from the small box (let's not get into porn freely available on the net)and we've become desensitized and then up pops someone on GB news asking a reasonable question and suddenly we've become all pious. Surely attention should be focusing on 15 year old schoolgirls getting murdered for what.
What was this reasonable question ?

Was it the personal attack or something different ?
“Who’d want to shag that?” rages Laurence Fox

given she is rather fit, the answer would be: “loads of people”

how people would wanna shag Laurence Fox

here she is in a bikini

given she is rather fit, the answer would be: “loads of people”

how people would wanna shag Laurence Fox

here she is in a bikini

There's a world of difference between having a leery discussion in here or down the pub and broadcasting this to a few people drinking extra strength lager on the sofa of an afternoon.
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