GB News

Well we could have guessed because of his past with the murdoch press, but it didn't matter because he always maintained neutrality on the daily politics and is much much better than the current presenters. It was precisely because of his journalistic credentials that he could lay into the right wing guests (and left wing), but that doesn't happen as effectively now. You get the sense if the presenters don't behave there could be consequences. They swallow the tory line as if its gospel, and back off from testing what ministers are spouting.

David Frost was the same, he skewered thatcher back in the day, its about being able to put your personal views aside and having the intelligence to be objective.

Theres no pretence with GB news, they have a pro brexhit right wing line that they all follow. And using sitting tory mp’s to interview each other is blatant bias.

Gary Lineker fails in every department there. He considers himself top brass BBC. And then he can say as he wishes because he's not in any other field a part from Football???
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are you sure about that?

You are only complaining because Lineker shows up your anti foreigner, anti asylum seeker opinions

He doesn't as we don't know each other and have never been on the same stage together..
They intend to be right wing leaning, so is the above surprising to you? The presenters have been specifically chosen for the right wing views.
So when you said earlier:

”Prior to GB news, there was no new channel that presented the spin and analysis in a way that was close to my thinking and belief”

what you meant was, prior to GBnews, television broadcast was too unbiased and you wanted a right wing propaganda broadcaster to feed you bias.

GBnews is not a news channel, it’s a Tory party propaganda machine

Not that I’m bothered, the Tory party is going further and further to the right and is reducing it’s voter appeal. The Tory party is just the BNP party now.
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He doesn't as we don't know each other and have never been on the same stage together..
You written enough posts complaining about Lineker.

if you agreed with his tweet about 1930s Germany, which was just the truth, you wouldnt have been complaining.

This government, notably Braverman have been using deliberate incendiary language designed to ramp up hatred against foreigners. “Invasion on our Southern shores”, “illegal migrants” - all designed to unite a section of the British public against a single enemy “foreigners”

Ive not seen you criticise Bravermans deliberate incendiary language, I guess you agree with it.
Not quite sure I see your point apart from stating the obvious basic life rule always look at the world from different angles, alas some people on here fail that basic ability.
You said this:

... just wasn't the place to say it on GB News due to the fact they are actually gaining a considerable viewing audience showing how fabricated other news channels actually are ...

Unless I've misread your post, to say 'showing how fabricated other news channels actually are' seems to suggest GB News isn't in any way fabricated. My further point was if going down that route, it can be asserted all news channels (including GB News) in some way fabricate to promote their own agenda.

It makes me laugh when folk rally against the MSM, as if the alternative would be any better if it was the only source of news. Maybe not the best analogy but it's a bit like folk who say 'we need to rise up against the government!!!' and replace it with what exactly?
Gary Lineker fails in every department there. He considers himself top brass BBC. And then he can say as he wishes because he's not in any other field a part from Football???
He presents football programme, not politics. Nothing was done about riley or suggar though both are employed by publically funded tv channels, and like linneker are in entertainment.

Do nt watch it or subscribe to it
Might be an answer ? Or solution ?

Same goes for the daily wail that is often mentioned in here

Don’t buy it ??? May be ???
Happy to debate with a right winger or for their views to be aired, its just the lies and misinformation that are objectionable.

He presents football programme, not politics. Nothing was done about riley or suggar though both are employed by publically funded tv channels, and like linneker are in entertainment.


Are they C4 or BBC?
Bbc in my opinion is biased I can't stand them I still use them as a news source, but for example only recently their coverage of Russel Brand again shows they all have their own agenda and kangaroo courts.

GBNews has some bs but some very valid shows as well raising topics about policy in the UK that should be changed.

GB News is not wrong none of them are. Remember our diverse opinions just like we have so many religions and or different football team supporters we all have our own beliefs and allegiances this I'm afraid is a genetic routine in our DNA observe it and accept it.

Cognitive bias. You listen to what you want to hear and dismiss other sources
Happy to debate with a right winger or for their views to be aired, its just the lies and misinformation that are objectionable.


Than don’t watch it or tune into it

Only time I have really heard about this GB news is in here

Only time I have heard about there views or remit is from people in here ?

Although it has been reported on the main stream news in the last few days

Debate ?? Political views ? Ect

Good luck with that

This forum is a classic example
We are all entrenched in our opinions and pretty much f all will change some one’s mind
So when you said earlier:

”Prior to GB news, there was no new channel that presented the spin and analysis in a way that was close to my thinking and belief”

what you meant was, prior to GBnews, television broadcast was too unbiased and you wanted a right wing propaganda broadcaster to feed you bias.

GBnews is not a news channel, it’s a Tory party propaganda machine

Not that I’m bothered, the Tory party is going further and further to the right and is reducing it’s voter appeal. The Tory party is just the BNP party now.
when I said what I said earlier, I meant what I said. i do not think that right wing views are represented on the mainstream tv and radio media.

just because GB news presents a more right wing perspective does not make it propaganda. If anything it brings balance as most media leans towards the left.

it’s interesting how there is such hatred for GB news for daring to present a view that lots of people agree with. Is it fear?

also interesting how you conflate right wing views with the bnp. I think you’d find that the vast majority of people who have right wing tendencies are no where near as right wing as the bnp.
when I said what I said earlier, I meant what I said. i do not think that right wing views are represented on the mainstream tv and radio media.

just because GB news presents a more right wing perspective does not make it propaganda. If anything it brings balance as most media leans towards the left.

it’s interesting how there is such hatred for GB news for daring to present a view that lots of people agree with. Is it fear?

also interesting how you conflate right wing views with the bnp. I think you’d find that the vast majority of people who have right wing tendencies are no where near as right wing as the bnp.

Basically in there world any one who voted brexit is a right wing extremist

Any one who questions migration is a right wing extremist

Notch was a brexit votor there fore a right wing extremist but he was re educated and saw the light ???
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