George Best in intensive care

He said that he was a decent bloke but she was abit of a drama queen.
and he tried to sell them his watch (rolexI think). ;)
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gord55 said:
What?? Will someone please translate Moz's post?

I dont think we dare do----it's Friday night! :eek: :eek:

I think Alex is a bit of fluff and George impressed him---thats as far as i got
Freddie said:
gord55 said:
What?? Will someone please translate Moz's post?

I dont think we dare do----it's Friday night! :eek: :eek:

I think Alex is a bit of fluff and George impressed him---thats as far as i got

Yep! thats how I read it.
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Actually I suppose you could say it's a two way street in relation to a relationship of this kind.

The so called old rock stars, footallers, actors etc get the young dolly birds and the dolly birds get their exposure to fame and limelight. They know the score and are both getting something out of problem!!! ;) :LOL:

Hey Gord - you just need to get used to Moz's style of writing!!! ;)
gord55 said:
Just give me time.
P'raps if I was on what he's on?
I understand moz is a heavy drinker and also a diabetes as well but deep down he's okay when he's not drinking!
kendor said:
he may have been a good player but he was never a professional player.

Now, now, I saw Besty play, live, twice, when at the height of his powers. Watched a 'tough guy' Ar se(nal) full back kick him up in the air twice, undeterred, Georgie boy ran rings around him thereafter, brilliant and brave.
Besty like Greavesy, gave immense value for money in a professional manner.. they did not derive fame from kicking lumps out of people .. They, initially were great artists of the 'beautiful game' exciting, goal scoring, players.
Both fell prey to the bottle ... Jim made it all the way back from the brink, many have not.
empip said:
kendor said:
he may have been a good player but he was never a professional player.

Now, now, I saw Besty play, live, twice, when at the height of his powers. Watched a 'tough guy' Ar se(nal) full back kick him up in the air twice, undeterred, Georgie boy ran rings around him thereafter, brilliant and brave.
Besty like Greavesy, gave immense value for money in a professional manner.. they did not derive fame from kicking lumps out of people .. They, initially were great artists of the 'beautiful game' exciting, goal scoring, players.
Both fell prey to the bottle ... Jim made it all the way back from the brink, many have not.

I'll second that, dont know about Greavsie but George Best was unbelievably gifted and if anyone ever puts the film footage of all his skill from the late 60's early 70's , i promise you will watch in awe.
There were a number of gifted players about in the 1960's, and Best was not the best of them, but there is no doubt he was good and had the potential to be even better, but Alcohol addiction ended that.

Unlike others of that era that developed alcohol related problems, such as Jimmy Greaves, Ian St John and half a dozen others, they listened to those who helped them, maybe not the forst time, but they eventually put their families first and they managed to overcome the problems and many built successful second careers, and they have done wonders in helping support others who developed alcohol problems.

George Best was given all the support and advice anyone could hope for, and he ignored it, he had a family that loved him, and he ignored them and placed alcohol at the top of his list of priorities, he could see and feel the damage he was doing to himself and those around him. Eventually many gave up on the hopeless drunk and walked away, others stuck it out for the long haul.

It was only a matter of time before the abuse of his body would take it's toll, and a liver transplant was the only way he would survive. Lets not foget that TWO PEOPLE DIED so George Best could have that liver..the person who donated it had to die for it to be available, and someone who could have recieved it died as they had no viable liver available.

What did this selfish drunk do...go back to the bottle and undo all the hard work of the doctors, he stuck his fingers up to the families of the deceased and insulted the memory of the person who died to give him the second chance.

It is irrelevent what type of footballer Best was or may have been, how you judge a man is how they live their lives and how they treat those around them when circumstances are dire. He is a parasite of the worst type and has no respect for any other person, including the dead, and for this Best does not deserve the respect and admiration so many seem so willing to heap upon him.
On the point of bests's playing ability Jim------How the f--k would you know?--you werent even born when he started playing and not even out of your nappy when he was at his peak.

You never saw him play as some of us did and never saw him on Star Soccer on a sunday or Match of the day on a saturday night.

In other words your opinion is based on something that somebody told you or you read somewhere--so basically another persons opinion
Freddie, don't get personal and for your information, I was born when he was playing, and I was at school when he was at his before you start to lob attempts at insults..

GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT....that way you don't make yourself loos a complete arse....
FWL_Engineer said:
Freddie, don't get personal and for your information, I was born when he was playing, and I was at school when he was at his before you start to lob attempts at insults..

GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT....that way you don't make yourself loos a complete a**e....

So i was right then Jim you dont know what you are talking about :D
Freddie, I will treat your diatribe with the pure contempt YOU deserve.
OK... I think George was a gifted player. OK, he's "wasted" his chances to get over his drink problem. The fact is, he's in difficulties & he needs help, and luckily there are people who will continue to help him & others like him. We don't know his thoughts or feelings or personal circumstances - SOMETHING is making him continually abuse himself, no matter what anybody else does to help him. That's alcoholism, or any other damaging habit. When compassion goes out the window, so does civilized behaviour... that's when society starts to "cleanse" itself of nuisances.
We should all try to help those who cannot or will not help themselves, no matter how tough it gets. It's the difference between living here, and living in a fascist state.
It's a very fine line between surviving well , and surviving badly. I don't know why he drinks, but we must forgive him or all is lost.
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