Georgie Boy

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I'm glad i'm not rich and famous, how the mighty have fallen!
I think the bloke needs a good buddy ....

all these sluts/bimbos /wannabie-famous-slags are dragging an old smashing bloke down ,

I met him 10 yrs ago going down south on an inter city train...

strangely he was very talkative /chummy for what you imagine a celeb NO he wasnt hammered

we talked on many things , an he is very passionate on Youth footie , an helping /sponsering them

I feel real sorry for the bloke, he has been leeched too death
these bimbos /sluts who have jumped him for fame ...

I still believe he was up there with pele ...for GREATNESS

btw he has such beautiful piecing blue eyes , with such a twinkle, I aint a puff , but has such a handsome bloke face

I think his agent needs shooting for letting bestie go to ruin..
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I thought George Best was one of the most talented all round players of all time.

He was the one though, who had it all but threw it away by drinking himself into oblivion. What a waste!!!

I guess why people are not sympathetic to his plight is because he was given a second chance of life when he received the liver transplant - many, many people felt very let down by his return to the drink, including I would imagine the donor family.
Other people who were/are waiting for liver transplants must feel very bitter about this wasted opportunity.
I really don't think it will be too long before we hear the news that something dreadful has happened to him :cry: :cry:

As far as the women 'dragging' him down - he has attractive women on his arm which he obviously likes and they get some publicity - sounds like a two way street to me!!! ;)

Living with an alcoholic is not easy - I feel sorry for his ex wife Angie I think she had a lot to put up with! :)
charges of assault on a woman and now an indecent assault charge on a child!
If proven guilty, that will probably be the end of him, although in saying that the jail sentence may actually do him some good if he is unable to consume alchohol for a period of time.
I hope that the allegations are found to be fabrications if not, then he deserves all he gets.
Methinks Georgie is playing in dangerous waters ...
In grave danger of getting stitched given his behaviour ...