George Best

Nige F said:
Yes, he`s up there with Nelson, Churchill and Thatcher. :eek: Pickle him and preserve him in the Tate Modern

I'm sorry but I not only find that statement naive, I find it insulting. How can you compare a drunken atention seeking **** with the likes of Nelson and Churchill?
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Yes, I do not suppose George was responsible for a large number of deaths.. Not knocking Winnie or Horace ... But then, they never scored in a European cup final or even on a pile of banknotes ... Although Lady Hamilton may have had a tale to tell... Let him wear the palm who has deserved it.
cant wait to see the back of him myself what a complete taking a liver and marinating it in alcohol the liver he had given to him would be better given to my dog it would have done him moor good than that pot and a lot tastier than chum
what is interesting is the fact that the doctors said they will do all they can to help him when it looked as there was no hope, yet many relatives of unknowns are told that it would be better to let them pass away quietly without anymore medical intervention due to "quality of life".
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kendor said:
what is interesting is the fact that the doctors said they will do all they can to help him when it looked as there was no hope, yet many relatives of unknowns are told that it would be better to let them pass away quietly without anymore medical intervention due to "quality of life".

But you see Kendor it's like this--the alcaholic in you street is a nobody and is nothing but a stinking p isstank, not worthy of anything.

But when you are famous and an alcaholic you suddenly become a lovable hell raiser.

Strange innit?

Old Georgie was the best footballer to come out of the UK, but that was many moons ago, to be honest in his drunken years he really hasnt done anything to rubbish his brilliance of younger days. His crime and i can see his only crime is to have carried on boozing.

There are a few famous alcaholics who had new livers--Larry Hagman ( JR Ewing ), i dont know if any of them carried on with the booze afterwards.
Is he dead yet?

I'm afraid they only report on important people in the news, so I haven't been able to find out.

Only I'm hoping they give the liver to a more deserving cause... perhaps feed it to a dog. The ungrateful t**t.
Freddie said:
But when you are famous and an alcaholic you suddenly become a lovable hell raiser.
the thing is ordinary folk fighting death through no fault of their own get second hand treatment or usually these days no treatment at all as the doctors play god and use the "quality" chip.
Freddie said:
To be honnest brightspark Mr Churchill although the bee's knee's in WW2 was a bit of a d******d in WW1 and also not always known for his sobber moments throughout the years

Actually Frustrated Freddie :D I do know that Churchill was partial too a tipple or two and certainly made a couple of odd decisions when under the affluence of incahol...However, Churchill did not behave as if he was some form of God, that the world and the nation owed him something and was more than able to make clear and coherant decisions the vast majority of the time.

Gearge Best has hardly made a coherant decision in the last forty years and not only that the ungrateful sod benefited from someone elses untimely death to only add insult to injury to the family by going on the **** within 5 weeks...

He is an ungrateful, selfish, naive, attention seeking drunk of the worst type. I have sympathy for his family and friends, but none for him as his pain is solely self-inflicted.
kendor said:
Freddie said:
But when you are famous and an alcaholic you suddenly become a lovable hell raiser.
the thing is ordinary folk fighting death through no fault of their own get second hand treatment or usually these days no treatment at all as the doctors play god and use the "quality" chip.

That just cannot be correct... The docs have received large payrises coupled with less hours / responsibilities recently.. That sounds like rewards for jobs well done.
But then the BMA and the GP's are known to hold the NHS to ransom .. Doesn't make the news like Georgie B or the Bloggs Union does it?
Think of treatments denied through lack of funds ..
How can GB be worse than the person buying high powered car .. bullshot heard everywhere 'I do not use the performance..' Rubbish.. In the inevitable bad crash should they be left to die ? The cost of the treatment surely would better serve the unlucky law abiding citizen ??
I guess that if we stop treatment to GB that we'd better stop treating all those smokers too? Let's face it, 120,000 smokers die every year (328 per day) due to their chosen lifestyle. 9000 NHS beds are taken by smokers for a smoking related illness every day of the week.

joe-90 said:
I guess that if we stop treatment to GB that we'd better stop treating all those smokers too? Let's face it, 120,000 smokers die every year (328 per day) due to their chosen lifestyle. 9000 NHS beds are taken by smokers for a smoking related illness every day of the week.


your dead right there Joe and smokers often inflick their habit on the rest of us.
joe-90 said:
I guess that if we stop treatment to GB that we'd better stop treating all those smokers too? Let's face it, 120,000 smokers die every year (328 per day) due to their chosen lifestyle. 9000 NHS beds are taken by smokers for a smoking related illness every day of the week.


Joe, I agree, I am allergic to nicotine, yet all the selfish anchors in this country think to justify their ciovil right I need to be made ill ....

The sooner smoking is illegal and all smokers embarrassed to give up the better...

What about MY CIVIL RIGHTS!!
Freddie said:
But the smoke did mask other smells which are preverlant now---farts and b.o.

Blooming eck the Government will ban farting and BO..or they'll figure out a way to fix a meter to your arse and tax farting!!
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