German Police

Why wouldn't I?

As you said, it's been known for hundreds of years.

And that has caused the planet to warm and cool for millenia, as I said previously...

So why is it all of a sudden the fault of the western world?!

It seems very simple to me. Human activity has increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by about fifty percent. Therefore it is trapping more heat. Therefore the planet has warmed.
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What paymasters? Give some examples of climate scientists who have published peer reviewed research being paid by people who have a vested interest in this?

You are just claiming "stuff".

And you are just claiming other "stuff"...

Sorry, I have better things to do than continue this discussion.

(Undoubtedly some clown with accuse me of "flouncing off" simply for saying that)
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We know which molecules cause the greenhouse effect, and how.
Greenhouses gases are building up far faster than they have before
We know of no natural process which could cause them to build up at the rate they have.
We do know that burning fossil fuels and other anthropogenic sources are enough to make them build up the way they have.
Analysis of the upper atmosphere gases proves GHGs are significantly from those human activities.

Now stop being silly.
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That seems to be a letter from a random GP, more than twenty five years ago! Things have moved on quite a bit. Very few scientists still try to deny that warming is happening. Now it's more about trying to think of reasons not to deal with it. I've heard it called climate change deflection, rather than outright climate change denial.

What I always encourage those who still deny the earth is warming to do, is to think about the basics afresh.

Do they agree that the "greenhouse" effect exists, and that without it the earth would be a ball of ice.

Do they agree that carbon dioxide is one of the gases which causes the greenhouse effect.

Do they agree that increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by fifty percent will increase the greenhouse effect.

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1998 . You like making it clear you're a jerk, don't you?
what bit are you struggling with that despite governments /scientists etc back then were claiming global warming actual climatologists said it was based highly uncertain scientific theories .
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