Get a room you two...

Funny innit, I love the way everyone else is at fault and not you. Today you have proven just how unstable you are, that you presume, you lie and you call people racists when there was nothing to back it up. Even Gerry asked where the posts were at the beginning.

I think I am done.
There is no reasoning with the unreasonable and you Himmy are utterly unreasonable as well as an utter c*nt.
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I wonder why you get so much abuse.
So many people take you to task, not me. Is it that the whole forum are full of racists out to get you, or that you're a f*ckwit? If it's the former, why would anyone want to be in a forum where they were universally disliked? Why are you here?
You don't need to wonder. It's because I object to racism. I have angered and upset many with my objections to their racism. That's understandable, but I'm not in a popularity competition.
I'd rather be unpopular, abused, but true to my inner belief that racism is immoral and dangerous in our society.

Not every one on here is a racist. But there are a few on here. Some skirt the issue. Some trivialise the issue. Some are outspoken against racism.
You have decidedly aligned yourself with the resident racists.
You have decidedly pitted your voice against me, and my objections to racism.

I will challenge the (in Clint Eastwood's words) "kick-ass person labelling people racist for speaking their mind" to find one comment of mine that is in any way racist.
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I will challenge the (in Clint Eastwood's words) "kick-ass person labelling people racist for speaking their mind" to find one comment of mine that is in any way racist.

Edit - don't know why the thumb-nail has appeared again but can't edit it out.
What brought that on?

Click on "more options" on bottom far right.
What brought that on?

Why the scorn Himmy? Frightened you're the only one who see's dead people, I mean, see's things that aren't there?
It's absolutely obvious that this forum is populated by more RWRs that any other type of reasonable people.
Go ahead, although I can guarantee which way mitch, Elfi, handflack, foxy poxer, et al will vote.
If you feel the need of the support of your fellow racists, please go ahead.
What brought that on?

Why the scorn Himmy? Frightened you're the only one who see's dead people, I mean, see's things that aren't there?
It's absolutely obvious that this forum is populated by more RWRs that any other type of reasonable people.
Go ahead, although I can guarantee which way mitch, Elfi, handflack, foxy poxer, et al will vote.
If you feel the need of the support of your fellow racists, please go ahead.
Different sentences, not related.
I added your name just because of our recent disagreement, and assumed you would automatically vote against me.
Yes, it was prejudice.
we can all be guilty from time to time without realising it.
Apologies then.

Not too clear, though. I thought you were calling me a RWR and fellow racist.

I will challenge the (in Clint Eastwood's words) "kick-ass person labelling people racist for speaking their mind" to find one comment of mine that is in any way racist.
Ditto Himmy. Find one comment of mine that is any way racist.
Every one is a racist. You may not think that you are but you are.. The only time that humans will stop being racist is when they learn or unlearn how to differentiate between differing items, sounds, colours or smells
Apologies then.

Not too clear, though. I thought you were calling me a RWR and fellow racist.
My apologies also for the lack of clarity, but I'm sure I have your sympathy on that score. :whistle:

I don't like the way you trivialise racism, but I can't recollect an explicit racist comment of yours.
I haven't searched but I'm confident I wouldn't find anything, so I wouldn't waste my time trying.
I wonder why you get so much abuse.
So many people take you to task, not me. Is it that the whole forum are full of racists out to get you, or that you're a f*ckwit? If it's the former, why would anyone want to be in a forum where they were universally disliked? Why are you here?
You don't need to wonder. It's because I object to racism. I have angered and upset many with my objections to their racism. That's understandable, but I'm not in a popularity competition.
I'd rather be unpopular, abused, but true to my inner belief that racism is immoral and dangerous in our society.

Not every one on here is a racist. But there are a few on here. Some skirt the issue. Some trivialise the issue. Some are outspoken against racism.
You have decidedly aligned yourself with the resident racists.
You have decidedly pitted your voice against me, and my objections to racism.

:mrgreen: I get the feeling though even though everyone on this forum were racist which they are not, you would still be here arguing with every single one. The sheer amount of energy you waste trying to change people on the internet can be monumental, I can only imagine you are still at an age where you believe it to be a genuine possibility. With age you begin to realise not only are the opinions of others largely unimportant but so are your own. I spat with people all the time, but a point in time comes when you say alright I'm losing or I'm not getting anywhere and I let go. Sadly you hold and hold until eventually you will either burn yourself out or you'll be banned. Only a young one or narcissist would waste their energy holding strangers on the internet to some kind of impossible moral standard through the use of a keyboard. I think you need to cut down on your internet usage quite frankly, speaking for myself and many others in saying that also, and by no means take on board anything I've said.
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