Get Brexhit done

But this is about food coming into the UK from the EU so Do er is not really relevant, is it?
The queues are not necessarily on the docks, or even in UK docks, or they are and they're waiting for customs clearance

There were reports on social media of even longer queues, of up to 18 miles in Calais.

Recent disruption has been even more significant around the French port of Calais since new customs controls were introduced on goods imported into the UK at the start of January.


Hence the tomato shortages. :giggle:
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Yh but let's blame the EU.

We've left, it's our responsibility to control our borders. We wanted that right, we didn't want co operation and combined intelligence and actions
Yh but let's blame the EU.

We've left, it's our responsibility to control our borders. We wanted that right, we didn't want co operation and combined intelligence and actions

If the rotten food is coming from the EU who else is to blame?, and the fact we've intercepted this crap seems to indicate we do have some control at the border.
If the rotten food is coming from the EU who else is to blame?, and the fact we've intercepted this crap seems to indicate we do have some control at the border.
Who is expecting it to arrive and why?

How much more has got through do you think? Or we've caught all of it?

I don't see this as a cut and dried 1 way issue that's all the fault of the EU. Do you?
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If the rotten food is coming from the EU who else is to blame?,

Might it be the customer who has ordered cheap and unsafe products from a disreputable supplier?

I recall that the Irish horsemeat crooks obtained horsemeat from a reputable European Horsemeat abattoir, which left the factory labelled "horsemeat" and branded (I translate into English equivalent) "Esroh butcher company"

It was magically relabelled "Beef" when it was delivered to Findus.
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just saw Brexit as breaking away from the control over us and our laws and the right for us to say who comes into this country from the EU, by the EU. In that sense, it’s done
Boris saw different.
He has done, what the IRA and the foriegners could never achieve.
He ended the UK, look forward to a life of defence of endless immigration and change.
Boris saw different.
He has done, what the IRA and the foriegners could never achieve.
He ended the UK, look forward to a life of defence of endless immigration and change.
Dont forget his side kick steve backer, the self styled no deal hard man of brexhit now taking back control at the ni office. Amazing what the lure of power and status will do
Don't you think it strange that they can get rotten meat into the country but not tomatoes? It was tomatoes that you couldn’t get due to Brexit, wasn’t it?

EU suppliers of quality tomatoes can sell them easily into the EU, much more difficult to brexit Britain.

EU producers of dodgy meat can sell them easily into unregulated Brexit Britain with no border controls, much more difficult into the EU.
Don't hazard a guess John, tell us. The linked article tells us a good proportion that 'rotten meat' originated in the EU.
Yes because the dodgy producers know they can export it to unregulated Brexit Britain which has weak border controls.

Filly voted to take back control so it could be given to smugglers and criminals
EU producers of dodgy meat can sell them easily into unregulated Brexit Britain with no border controls,
So no border controls or export certificate needed to export meat from the EU?

So you think it’s okay for our friends in the EU to fob us off with dodgy meat?
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