Getting a bit tired....

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30 Jun 2008
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United Kingdom
of this interminable heat!

I don't think the temperature has dropped below 30C during the daytime for around 2 weeks now, (with highs in the 35-38C region a lot of the time). Night time has not been below 22C and the humidity is getting unbearable. Start moving around to do something and the sweat begins to pour off me. Just took down our 13' x 26' marquee and my shorts, (only thing I can bear to wear in this weather), are soaked with sweat. Going for another shower shortly and this will be my third since getting up at 6.00am

I'd understand if I was 18st or something but I'm a skinny 11st
Meanwhile friends 'oop North' are complaining of thunderstorms.
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Just took down our 13' x 26' marquee and my shorts

On a serious note, we have been sweating in Stockport, but not so much. The temperature in our lounge last night was 28°.
I took my dog out for a walk at 6.30am it was already 25 degrees

last night it was over 30 degs upstairs

I dont mind the heat but the humidity is hard work.
24°C here but the humidity is very high, so it's still a bit unpleasant, still at least I have nowt to do, except watch telly and sit in front of the fan, so could be worse.
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Yes, it's the humidity that saps your energy. Thankfully not in work now till Friday when it's supposed to be a bit cooler with a chance of a few storms.
Hopefully they will clear the air.
Yes, it's the humidity that saps your energy. Thankfully not in work now till Friday when it's supposed to be a bit cooler with a chance of a few storms.
Hopefully they will clear the air.

Certainly is. I used to share a flat with a guy who was from the North of Sweden, he said England was the coldest (in terms of feel) country he'd been too. Then last Tuesday a guy whose Romainian (where the temperature is regularly in the mid to high 30's in summer) Stated that the "feel" temperatures were very different in England. Must be the humidity I guess.
Just had a look around the BBC weather website and the humidity seems to be quite low around England - 48% in Stowmarket.

Not sure how it works.
72% here, not as hot but does not feel like it does in England. Very rarely have stifling nights.

As I said - not sure how it works
In Bristol at present and it hasn't been too bad recently. Only got uncomfortable last couple of days, I think we escaped the heat that some areas had earlier. Sleeping on top of bed last couple of nights as too warm under any covers. According to Met Office going to be 90F here tomorrow then cool down towards weekend.

Not a great time to have the a/c on my van in bits!
72% here, not as hot but does not feel like it does in England. Very rarely have stifling nights.

As I said - not sure how it works

Apparently it's down to the Dew point not humidity. I'll leave you to read up on it, I just had a very quick scan.
Give it a couple of weeks and we'll be getting all sorts of moans and groans about all the rain and windy weather...

Enjoy the heat whilst you can!
Not everyone enjoys the heat, some are quite content with overcast and cool conditions.
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