Getting a bit tired....

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of this interminable heat!

I don't think the temperature has dropped below 30C during the daytime for around 2 weeks now, (with highs in the 35-38C region a lot of the time). Night time has not been below 22C and the humidity is getting unbearable. Start moving around to do something and the sweat begins to pour off me. Just took down our 13' x 26' marquee and my shorts, (only thing I can bear to wear in this weather), are soaked with sweat. Going for another shower shortly and this will be my third since getting up at 6.00am

I'd understand if I was 18st or something but I'm a skinny 11st
Meanwhile friends 'oop North' are complaining of thunderstorms.
Lovely in rain
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31.4C at present and humidity is 53% down from 59% earlier but still clammy as hell.

Another night on top of the bed in shorts again.
However your comment doesn't really explain why so many people retire to Spain, Greece, Portugal etc.
Gradual build up/wind down as opposed to sudden changes in the UK...

But many of those retirees will probably have to get used to the UK climate again soon!
33.4 deg outside
30.2 deg inside

A storm can't come too soon, I've done nothing today.

Yesterday I managed to sort out some electrics in the garage which entailed moving a big fridge freezer.
It was 38 in the garage, a few drinks stops were needed.
So just out of interest, what's the highest temperature people here have experienced?

Or indeed the lowest?
So just out of interest, what's the highest temperature people here have experienced?

Or indeed the lowest?
-14 in NYC in Jan

mmm nothing over 38

Most humid
Bangkok in May
And UK today.

What about you
So just out of interest, what's the highest temperature people here have experienced?

Or indeed the lowest?

Highest approx 51°C (Egypt) lowest -30°C (Finland)

The Odd thing I guess is Egypt didn't feel that hot, though you had to be careful to drink loads of water, as you don't feel like your sweating at all, but you are dehydrating rapidly.

Finland didn't feel cold, had to unzip our poncey survival suits (mandatory I'm afraid) as started overheating.
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So just out of interest, what's the highest temperature people here have experienced?

Or indeed the lowest?

Low: -24C in Norway. Not too low, but I was on a winter survival ex and living in a snow hole shelter! High:+42 in full flying gear in Belize.
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