the mystery continues...
boiler was still complaining on mainly an f1 and intermittent f43 errors. all day yesterday and this morning, this was going on. Just tried doing another reset, and voila it kicks in within a few seconds?
I do find it very coincidental that this happens when there is no frost, and just light snow outside.
I am beggining to wonder if the condesate pipe was frozen up. We have had some very extreme frost in the last 48 hours, where we live.
The night I turned the heating off was midnight, and the frost outside was very thick looking at the cars. Maybe this was a bad move as the frost was at its worst, as anything that was in the pipe would have frozen very quickly?
Would this be the likely cause?
The manual does indicate issues with flue inlet's been blocked as well i read. Quick the extreme conditions play a part with the vapour cooling in the flue?
also are there any recommendations or diags i can try whilst its running?
boiler was still complaining on mainly an f1 and intermittent f43 errors. all day yesterday and this morning, this was going on. Just tried doing another reset, and voila it kicks in within a few seconds?
I do find it very coincidental that this happens when there is no frost, and just light snow outside.
I am beggining to wonder if the condesate pipe was frozen up. We have had some very extreme frost in the last 48 hours, where we live.
The night I turned the heating off was midnight, and the frost outside was very thick looking at the cars. Maybe this was a bad move as the frost was at its worst, as anything that was in the pipe would have frozen very quickly?
Would this be the likely cause?
The manual does indicate issues with flue inlet's been blocked as well i read. Quick the extreme conditions play a part with the vapour cooling in the flue?
also are there any recommendations or diags i can try whilst its running?