Go Austria!

This is a biggie, https://www.gov.uk/government/news/...-all-frontline-health-and-social-care-workers

And the fact that vaccine passports are up and running in parts of the UK. No jab, no entry.
I don't work for nhs, thanks god.
I do everything to avoid using the nhs, thanks god.
And when I say "god" i don't mean Lord Covid.
Any restrictions the dictators will impose won't affect free people like me.
I go about my business regardless of all boll@x they say.
They have no resources to enforce anything, having cut all services to the bones.
Bojo and whoever comes after him can do one.
And if all ignored their boll@x, we would never be talking about Lord Covid, the Greatest.
Look at this to understand that there's nothing exceptional going on.
Covid is just another disease killing people, not different from many in the past and more in the future.
However, an opportunity for the elite to reach their targets.
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Ellals attitude and selfishness disgusts quite a few on here.
Yep, the truth disgusts a lot of people...

The dumbed down ones just don't get it!

Went to a gig a couple of days ago and joined the mosh pit. You're too old for that of course mottie :LOL:
There was crowd surfing and it was back to the old days again...

Just for a laugh I thought I'd take a made in China 'test'...

My first (apart from an anti body one), and guess what...

No surprises, it was a negative...

So you and your cohort carry on being 'disgusted'...

In the knowledge that there are just as many laughing at you bunch of ignorant sheeple!
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Went to a gig a couple of days ago and joined the mosh pit. You're too old for that of course mottie
I bet that gave everyone a laugh. Someone who admits they came to parenthood late in life and whose kids are now qualified 'doctors' must be getting on in years. We have a friend who didn't come to parenthood late in life and her daughter is a qualified doctor. She's 56 so you are probably in or close to your early sixties. Cut the crap. You're fooling nobody except yourself!
If you choose not to have the vaccine, that’s your own choice, I respect that, but think it selfish if it’s not for a valid medical reason.
Define 'valid medical reason'...

Do you define 'selfish' as questioning a not fully tested vaccine?

But those who promote antivax views and actively try to persuade others not to have the vaccine leave me lost for words that I can use on here.
Do you condemn those who vilify people who wish not to take one of the vaccines on the 'pick and mix' offer in the same way?
What do your 'doctor' sons say about that?
Well they're either injecting a 'not fully tested vaccine' into all and sundry, or they're disagreeing with ellal. Or they're not medical doctors.
Look at this to understand that there's nothing exceptional going on.

Your figures show we have given away all the gains of the past 16 years and jumped substantially back up compared to recent years. And you really think that backs up your argument that nothing different happened in 2020?
Ironic that, coming from the loneliest troll on the forum.....

I was wondering when the forum's creepiest stalker would use the 'T' word when bested yet again...

Keep up the good work, old man (y)
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