go-karts / trolleys?



In the absence of big pram wheels, i made this:

and the kids rarely use it even though we live next door to a footpath on a hill !!!

Where did i go wrong? :(
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That looks super. As a kid built and wrecked loads of those from old prams.
Kids these days are house bound with pc's ,x boxes,iphones,ipods,mp3's, laptops etc etc.
the seat is (probably a mistake) but an old baby bike carrying seat. The wheels are pneumatic (bought off the net for a tenner apiece i think).

And my kids do have the tech, but we do get them playing outside quite a bit - just not on my contraption !!! :(
Spoilt brats kids of today!

Same as Norcon, we built our own and were always trying to outdo the other kids. One lad had his dad rig up an old steering wheel instead of strings. Best wheels were from 'Silver Cross' prams with the big ones on the back. Brakes?
What brakes? Pair of shoes with 'Martindales' in the heels! YES!!!

Immi, did you let them help?
If not that will be part of the problem mate, they need to be involved with the build of it.
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Spoilt brats kids of today!
With respect, not mine Conny... sweets, TV and computer games are not the norm !!

Immi, did you let them help?
If not that will be part of the problem mate, they need to be involved with the build of it.
and yes, you are so right, i didn't and i should'a!!

(how are the steroids mate ;) )
you could borrow this.
then you won't see them for dust.

No disrespect to your kids Immi, it was a general overview of todays kids in general, though obviously there are some who don't sit there doing nothing all day. My own 3 eldest G/kids would prefer fruit to sweets any day.

As for the steroids, keeping me on the go 18-20 hours a day mate.
Need less sleep than Maggie. :LOL:
I never had access to a plastic injection moulding machine when I was a kid. Had to use things like old floor boards and fruit crates. :cry:
no one asked what the timber blocks on the front axle are?

and should the rear axle be wider?
I had one when I were a kid. Made out of an old coach built pram. In the winter months, you turned it upside down and used it as a great sledge on the icy roads. Bloody great fun. ;) ;) ;)
I never had access to a plastic injection moulding machine when I was a kid.

Plastic mouldings?????
They'd only just invented the wheel when you was a kid Conny.... :LOL: ;)

Then some clever s*d come up with the idea of rounding off the corners to make them circular and took all the fun out of it! :evil:

Immi, the rear wheels were always wider and bigger, hence the Silver Cross pram wheels being the best type. :LOL:
Can't buy a Silver Cross Hard Bodied pram for less than £1,000 these days! :eek:
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