god.my invisible friend.

I'm starting to worry about you now mike. When I start fantasising it's always about some fit looking bird.
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The moon doesn't have a 'dark' side as such it's just that we don't see that side.
That's a belief rather than a statement of fact :mrgreen: ;)

Depends on your definition of 'dark'.

Albedo is a measure of reflectivity: 0 is perfectly black; 1 is perfectly reflective.

The Moon has an albedo of 0.136, which is very close to that of worn asphalt @ 0.12 (source: Wikipedia).

The moon doesn't have a 'dark' side as such it's just that we don't see that side.
That's a belief rather than a statement of fact :mrgreen: ;)

Depends on your definition of 'dark'.

Albedo is a measure of reflectivity: 0 is perfectly black; 1 is perfectly reflective.

The Moon has an albedo of 0.136, which is very close to that of worn asphalt @ 0.12 (source: Wikipedia).

Never heard of that before!
Perfectly reflective in terms of no light lost/absorbed?

What is this used for generally?
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I thought brains were measured in planck lengths.......like in thick as a planck.
I thought brains were measured in planck lengths.......like in thick as a planck.

Yes that true also, if one has micro brain, then we have ti use planks as the unit of measure! :LOL: like we measure bigger or longer lengths like roads in kilometers, but smaller lengths in micrometer.

Next there will be micro planks! symbol : uP

Mine is about 0.75uP just about enough to get me around gadgets!
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