Good job our economy is doing so well....

Britains contributions to the EU are capped. So whatever share of extra taxes the EU might have got under the normal rules, we immediately get 2/3 of it back.

Unfortunately this also means that if, say, the EU were to make a special payment of 1 billion pounds to british farmers affected by BSE, 2/3 of this would immediately be deducted from the rebate which Britain would otherwise have recieved. This is why the British government makes life difficult for anyone applying for EU grants.

Income tax is just as much a tax on industry as is fuel tax. It may say you are earning 30,000 a year on your pay slips but what it says on your bank statement is how much of that money actually gets to you. When you ask for a rise next year you will be thinking about how much money you really get. Then your boss gets to pay your increased tax bill.

If everyone agrees to make the switch to higher fuel taxes and lower income tax, then there can not be any 'unfair' competition from other EU countries. That is what tax harmonisation is about. Getting rid of unfair competition from abroad. Great idea, eh?

25 million households owing 50,000 pound each? 1250 billion pounds? Net contribution is only about 2 billion a year. Hard to see how it could pay off all that debt.

House prices have little to do with people investing in buy to let. At the end of the day you will earn nothing from a house unless someone is living in it. You can only get a premium rent because there are lots of people out there who need a house and are willing to pay so much rent because there is a housing SHORTAGE.

Councils are renting private properties because they are FORBIDDEN from building their own.

It may be that average family size is 1.8 children instead of 8.1 in times past but it is no longer acceptable for the whole family including grandparents to all sleep in the same room. So instead of 1 small house for 6 adults and 8 children we now need 3 large houses.
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Local taxes and housing costs are not included in the recently UK adopted Eurostyle CPI (Consumer Price Index) measure of inflation ... hence the continual rise in council tax as HMG siphon off the loot by keeping the council's subsidy down, or passing it north !!
How that CPI really favours the Gov outlook !! Browner recently mixed the two differing measures when relating the wonders of the economy recently .. Such actions leave me cold, he obviously thinks we all couldn't give a fk ... They are all Scunthorpes really !!

The RPI (Retail Prices Index) is the better pointer really, and then only a general idea (who buys across the range covered?)..
I know that apart from food, if my household bills increase from here on by 3.0%, then for the year 2005 the Pipme Index will stand at an increase of 6.01% over 2004 !! due to fuel and council tax increases in the main.
Again Damocles and his EU propaganda rubbish----------------

The rebate that Britain gets they want to stop but even with the rebate we still pay more than others thats not harmonisation thats unfair contributions.

House shortage---yopu keep banging on abour houses to let and the only one who mentioned that is you----houses for investment----people buy second and third houses so that they reap the benefits of house price increases, they create the shortage which causes the high price increase and reap the benefits, they get in at the right time and get out at the right time.

When are you ever going to post something honest and truthfull without you pro - something twist to it???????????????
Freddie said:
Again Damocles and his EU propaganda rubbish----------------

The rebate that Britain gets they want to stop but even with the rebate we still pay more than others thats not harmonisation thats unfair contributions.
Damocles said:
Britains contributions to the EU are capped. So whatever share of extra taxes the EU might have got under the normal rules, we immediately get 2/3 of it back.
England never receives money from the EU

Customs duties collected at all English ports go directly to the EU. The EU also takes 1% of all our VAT revenue and a third of 1% of our total GDP. When England does well we have to pay more to the EU therefore the government has to put up taxes. Example, England had to pay an extra £530,000,000 to the EU because we had a good year in 1998 and at the same time Germany got a bonus rebate of £840,000,000, France £600,000,000 and Italy being the poorer nation got £474,000,000 and England never receives money from the EU. Vote Labour!
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Income tax is just as much a tax on industry as is fuel tax. It may say you are earning 30,000 a year on your pay slips but what it says on your bank statement is how much of that money actually gets to you. When you ask for a rise next year you will be thinking about how much money you really get. Then your boss gets to pay your increased tax bill.
Damocles...I have heard of bosses who raise wages in line with inflation and also bosses who say they can't even afford to give a rise at all. I have never in my life heard of a boss who increases wages to pay for increases in taxation though.
Your comment about taxes to the EU is playing with words, yes the percentage may stay the same, but the total they get increases as we spend more. So the EU get more, which is why they want zero vat rates stopping. When will you realise that using dubious figures or statements won't wash with us, we can see them.
What like my pay rise, 2003-2004 pay rise 0% 2004 - 2005 pay rise 0% CEO pay rise 2004 -2005 80%, Hmmm why do I feel unhappy :?:
Eddie M said:
What like my pay rise, 2003-2004 pay rise 0% 2004 - 2005 pay rise 0% CEO pay rise 2004 -2005 80%, Hmmm why do I feel unhappy :?:
I'd get yourself another job mate ;)
david and julie said:
have never in my life heard of a boss who increases wages to pay for increases in taxation though.
When i worked at the Beeb and the tax penalty was placed on company vehicles they made compensation by increasing the mileage claimable back.
kendor said:
Eddie M said:
What like my pay rise, 2003-2004 pay rise 0% 2004 - 2005 pay rise 0% CEO pay rise 2004 -2005 80%, Hmmm why do I feel unhappy :?:
I'd get yourself another job mate ;)

I am 11 days left, goodbye my fellow workplace t0553rs.
Seriously though you have been unlucky in your job, I personally have never missed an annual rise.
kendor said:
Seriously though you have been unlucky in your job, I personally have never missed an annual rise.

Don't start me, it could turn into a very serious rant !!
go on get it off your chest. youll feel better, you know you will :D




!!! Understand!!
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