Government opt out of Organ donership?

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Mickey with Respect, you do yourself no favors at times
for example what was your problem with the poster who in fact did try to help you here?
you even alerted the moderators to remove his post
you could have had what you requested in 3 clicks of the mouse
Micky, as one of the last posters on the other thread, I may have inadvertantly been a little abusive although that was not my intention. Quoting from 2 of your posts, I wrote something along the lines of:

"While I empathise with your feelings over your friend and his need for a transplant, writing such drivel does nothing to further your cause". In retrospect, the word 'drivel' should not have been used.

That said, in the opening post of this thread, you state;

"I hadn't really considered my position on this, until an old friend explained his condition".

Yet when Blas stated:
"You're asking all the questions but you haven't told us where you stand on any of those questions", you replied that you didn't know where you stood.

In the same post you also stated that: "Most people that pass their driving test seem unable to read". Apart from this sweeping generalisation, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Who are you to criticise those who cannot read when you yourself would appear to have a problem with writing. Pausing where the commas are, try reading the following out loud and you'll see what I mean:

"It has recently come into force, that if you want/don't want to be an organ donor, on applying for a new driving license, online, (so very limited), to force people to become an organ donor".

This post is intended to be constructive and not abusive.

Edited my 'little' spelling error.
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Pausing where the commas are, try reading the following out loud and you'll see what I mean:

"It has recently come into force, that if you want/don't want to be an organ donor, on applying for a new driving license, online, (so very limited), to force people to become an organ donor".

Just tried it! I reckon It makes like a Winston Churchill war speech!
or maybe Captain Kirk(esk)

I have been in an episode , yes, really. Have the DVD.

Okay, was at Universal Studios and a "blue room" but it looks real on the TV.
This thread is bizarre.Someone donate their brain to the OP PDQ FFS!

Having read and re-read all of the replies in this thread, I have reached the conclusion that part of your own post. viz, "Someone donate their brain to the OP PDQ FFS", is the only bizarre contribution in the entire thread. The others, as far as I can see, are par for the course in a Mickymoody forum discourse.
This thread IS bizarre....for one it was deleted twice...then the usual suspects posteded their 2p, which didn't respond to the thread, and the rest of the thread was abuse. AND no response to my initial question, twice! So a 2 post thread, where nobody responds to the initial question, makes any reference to it, and after the initial post closed down, then this, then reopened, but no inteligent response, but abuse to the poster?

People seem to have personal issues, I'll mis-spell, if that helps people, as they have done within this post, and the previous?

WHY post nonsense? Why make an issue of something that doesn't exist? Why post, when you don't need to post?

My mate has an immediate kidney issue, and will die, if he doesn't get a transplant soon, and you lot take the micky. literally.
We all have friends with diseases. Or "conditions" why or what makes you so special?

Prove we do not.
We all have friends with diseases. Or "conditions" why or what makes you so special?

Prove we do not.

If you were able to help them, would you not? How close a friend are they? You seem to suggest, that you would leave a dying friend, dead?
We all have friends with diseases. Or "conditions" why or what makes you so special?

Prove we do not.

If you were able to help them, would you not? How close a friend are they? You seem to suggest, that you would leave a dying friend, dead?
So, pray tell us all how you got on at the hospital when you volunteered to donate your own organs.

We await in eager anticipation.
My mate has an immediate kidney issue, and will die, if he doesn't get a transplant soon, and you lot take the micky. literally.
I have not 'taken the micky' and I'm not taking the micky now. If this 'kidney issue' is so 'immediate' here's an idea... instead of bleating on about how you
hadn't really considered my position on this...
Why don't you make a decision to try and help him by getting yourself screened to see if you're a match?
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