When you factor in the estimates of the total cost of government Covid-19, about £310 billion to £410 billion - let's split the diff. and call it £350 million; then it can be said those two schemes have cost the UK around £600 million
When you factor in the estimates of the total cost of government Covid-19, about £310 billion to £410 billion - let's split the diff. and call it £350 million; then it can be said those two schemes have cost the UK around £600 million
It seems Rwanda's politics are a bit toxic especially in respect to the opposition parties. Bit like the Tory party itself at the moment but far less extreme.
Current Rwanda ranting. Pointless really as this sort of thing is always finally settled in court.
Sunak. He has the problem of trying to implement the idea so is trying. Succeeding and trying in politics? LOL Don't think I need to elaborate on that what ever they are trying to do.
Tory split on Rwanda ranges from just do it to it's inhuman and shades in between. What ever the courts are bound to figure,
Sunak. His chat about the cost to the general public of greening sounds more like the sort of thing Blair might say in other areas. Sunak do something about that? Who knows but it makes a change from their usual type of PM. He cares or does he? A Blair comment similar but not directly related. Rising cost of meat, Can't do anything about it. Some will have to eat less. There were a number of others.
Sunak. He has the problem of trying to implement the idea so is trying. Succeeding and trying in politics? LOL Don't think I need to elaborate on that what ever they are trying to do.
Boris claimed they were doing the 'very best' during the Covid pandemic.
Is it acceptable that usless people are elected, and their 'very best' is acceptable, even when it's totally inadequate?
I didn't pass my driving test, gain my qualifications, meet the criteria for lots of things because I was doing my very best.
It was because my very best was up to the required standard.